It's been a wonderful breeding season. Here are some of the baby bonus attractors & a couple of nests at our place. I think the white-browed woodswallow nest may have young in it as I haven't seen any young around yet.
Well Bred
Mon, 12/12/2011 - 10:08
Well Bred
Ooops! Wrong size. I forgot to mention that there are 3 broods of dusky woodswallows in residence.
Oops again!
Sorry yet again. The species are, of course, crested pigeon, dusky woodswallow, and again, grey shrike-thrush, white-plumed honeyeater & dusky woodswallow again. And the nests are white-browed woodswallow & willy wagtail.
Next time I'll try a new strategy for giving my pics titles.
Whew! Thank goodness that's over!!
...just as I said,nothing can stop you now!
Great photos,(you will get the right size any minute now).
I love the Willy wagtail nest, so neat.We don't get the Dusky woodswallow here.(at least I haven't seen any)
Looking forward to the next photos, sure you have hundreds more,haha. M-L
Well done, the pics look nice and good birds there :)
Cheers, Owen.
There's no doubt about it. You guys are the greatest encouragers on the planet!!!
what's the immature bird on the third last photo?
and are the crested pigeons super shy over there?the ones here sure are :p
That's a grey shrike-thrush, NathanY. A very distant one.
The crested pigeons are very shy if they're not used to humans. We've been where we are for 24 years & the crested pigeons are still getting used to us. However, I've seen them around the feet of diners at the Adelaide Botanic Gardens kiosk, taking advantage of the pie & pastie droppings.
no haha,i meamt the immature bird with the orange beak
Could be the white-plumed honeyeater you're referring to, NathanY.
this one :p
but now i can see it's a dusky wood swallow?
Oh, THAT one!
That's another juvenile dusky woodswallow.
Fantastic collection of birds and really interesting to see the nests too. Keep posting
Thanks for all the encourgement folks. This morning is drizzly. I hope to get out & about with my camera this afternoon.