When we went to Coolart yesterday, we talked to the Ranger for a long time. He was very interested in birds, and raised an interesting question. He noticed that many bird varieties had interbred with birds of the same species coming from different areas. Different coloured Grey Fantails for example ranging from the light to darker grey to the brown, normally on female and juveniles. That made me think, if we could post some of the various Fantail colourations and where they live, that could be very interesting. I’m posting some now, but I think the greyish/black ones in my garden are male, and the brown ones are female or juveniles. The ones up north have a more spotty chest? It would be great if people could post other coloured Fantails from different regions? I ‘d love to see them, thanks M-L
male in my garden
female/juvenile again
Now I'm more confused than ever, I have seen some darker and some more spotty ones.
Post your photos and observations, thanks M-L
A bit of a poser there M-L, 1,3 and 5 look a little like Rufous Fantails, but we are certainly not experts! lol.
not my best photos,but the first time i've ever seen a Grey Fantail,and i've been chasing them for years not knowing what they are
There is some interesting variations there. I only have shocking photos of this species so sorry I can't chip in with my local ones.
Cheers, Owen.
Lovely portraits. Should serve you well with identifying all the variations. I am still getting confused between fantails and flycatchers...