A few BoP

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rjwaring's picture
A few BoP

Australian Hobby:

Nankeen Kestrel:

White-bellied Sea-eagle:

Birdgirl2009's picture

Now I could completely run away at the mouth here about how absolutely beautiful these 3 birds are. The hobby is so well exposed and looking right at you. The nankeen kestrel is quite orange - is that early morning or late afternoon light? Beautiful adult WBSE. You got so close to them. Did you take the first 2 from a car?

rjwaring's picture

Hi Birdgirl, now you know how the rest of us feel when we view your photos. Thanks for making such lovely comments about the above. Neither of the first two were from a car, although the Hobby was spotted from the car and I walked back. The Kestrel was shot late afternoon, and was very approachable.

I've succumbed to the birding bug!
Alice Springs, NT

Owen1's picture

great shots Richard. Nice range of BoP's. I love falcons and eagles.

Cheers, Owen.

rjwaring's picture

Thanks Owen1. Maybe we need a BoP forum link too as I think there are a lot of people on this forum who enjoy them.

I've succumbed to the birding bug!
Alice Springs, NT

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