galahs and new lens

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Birdgirl2009's picture
galahs and new lens

I took some more photos with my new teleconversion lens. They are much sharper than the ones I took the first time I used the lens, so selecting tele conversion has made a difference! I have to learn how to use the camera on manual though, because for a lot of the nesting box photos, the camera focused on the leaves, not the bird.

aa's picture

yeah! cool new toy too :)

what brand of teleconverters did you buy?? is it 2x or 1.4x??

i think for teleconverters you need to shoot up a bit your exposure to compensate the loss bec of the added glass :) but your exposure in your shots are spot on :)

Birdgirl2009's picture

Hi aa
The camera is a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ5O and the tele conversion lens is the DMW-LT55E that goes with it. It says 1.7x. I'm hoping to use it a bit more after school goes back.

Raoul's picture

Well done birdgirl, yes i agree with you! much sharper.Try manual focus.


Yep, nice sharp pics Birdgirl,well done.

GeorgeP's picture

Looks like you've figured it out, Birdgirl. That's a nice series of shots. I have the same camera and was considering buying the same TC. Are you happy with the TC's performance ?


Melbourne, VIC

Birdgirl2009's picture

Hi George
Its early days yet - I've only used it 3 times. I'm hoping to get out in the next few weeks to try it out. I need to re-read the manual to make sure I'm doing everything right - I missed the bit about selecting tele conversion after selecting conversion the first time I read it. I'll post the photos I take with a comment about whether I was happy with most. The ones I took in the last two days were much better - similar to the results I get with the standard lens on the camera. The tele conversion lens is easy to fit but you can't use a protective lens with it.
I used a Pentax K-1000 (manual only) for more than 20 years and understood everything in the manual and could use it really well - the manual for this camera is much harder to understand. But I'm sold on being able to take a photo in the back yard, download it and post it all in 10 minutes.

GeorgeP's picture

I think the trick to absorbing the operating manual is to read only the bits that you're likely to need. The rest is just extraneous and confuses the hell out of you. Like you, I had a manual camera for about 2o years and only purchased the FZ-50 about 2 years ago. I've been quite happy with it and only the noise levels above ISO200 are a little annoying. I also do quite a bit of macro photography (native orchids) and for this it is ideally suited. If you're unsure about any aspect of its operation, post a question on this site and I'll try to help. I recall that ed also once used this camera before he bought his 40D so he may be able to help too.


Melbourne, VIC

ed's picture

Hi George and Birdgirl
I had the FZ30 and agree with your comments above, I found that it performed very well, very well indeed in macro, I still sometimes use it for wide and macro shots as the 40D normally has the 100/400L on when out and about, in macro the FZ30 normally produces a better shot than the same shot attempted with the 100/400L.(still saving to get a dedicated macro lens for the 40D..)
They are great shots above, anyone getting those sort of results from new kit first time out is doing very well. :-) look forward to seeing more.

Ed Townsville NQ

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