grey butcherbird

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michaelrt71's picture
grey butcherbird

This butchebird had been busy hunting in our backyard for a few days, but only when I wasn't around with a camera. He particularly liked talking to my wife when she hung out the washing. So I decided to take my work outside on a laptop and take the camera as well, just in case. It worked!
Take away.

Araminta's picture

Wow, what great photos! With a beak like his, the skink would have died a fast death. Great series, just fantastic. M-L


jaytee's picture

Interesting photos, they have a beautiful song don't they?

Brisbane QLD


Wow great shots, looks like you'll have to take your work outside more often lol. Just love the first one, she looks very interested in something.Thanks for posting them they are really great shots.

Woko's picture

The value of your great photos for me, mrt, is that I'm now aware that the grey butcherbird has prominent "whiskers" in front of its eyes. So I looked up Morcombe & found that all butcherbirds feature these whiskers. My education is on the way to completion.

michaelrt71's picture

Yes, Woko, the whiskers are a standout on the first shot. Almost Salvador Dali, I think...the moustache I mean, not the melting clocks or, burning giraffes jumping out of tower windows, etc

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