Hi Helen and Greg Almost certainly the head (and eye) of a male Koel. Cheers Denis Wilson
Denis Wilsonwww.peonyden.blogspot.com
Looks like a work of modern art to me
- soakes
soakes Olinda, Victoria, Australia
Hi Soakes
In my defence, the posted photo has seemingly been removed by the original poster, it seems and has now appeared on another thread.
I was not being psychic, nor was I interpreting a work of art.
Cheers Denis
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Hi Helen and Greg
Almost certainly the head (and eye) of a male Koel.
Denis Wilson
Denis Wilson
Looks like a work of modern art to me
- soakes
Olinda, Victoria, Australia
Hi Soakes
In my defence, the posted photo has seemingly been removed by the original poster, it seems and has now appeared on another thread.
I was not being psychic, nor was I interpreting a work of art.
Denis Wilson