Sitting out the back the other day watching a male Superb Fairy Wren duke it out with its own reflection from one of my mirrored sculptures i have in the garden.
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Oh that's funny. I like seeing little birds on car side mirrors, getting really worked up
Unusual shots, mrtattoo.
We put shirt sleeves on our car mirrors to keep off the superb fairy wren & grey shrike thrush droppings, Birdgirl. Mind you, that doesn't stop the male wrens from crapping on our window sills when they attack their reflections in the windows.
The wrens flirt for weeks with their reflections in the windows at our place too.(no idea what they are thinking?Unanswered desire?)
But, please explain the sculpure to me.Show me some of the others! M-L
Unusual goes hand in hand with me. :') I have made quite a few different sculptures for friends & for our garden. They are all made out of items i have found. Junk!! some people call it, treasure to me. Will post a few pics this eve.
if your happy when your birding, flap your wings.
Nice shots. Whenever we park in a wren's territory they will always come and leave a few nice marks from having a go at their own reflection.
Cheers, Owen.
Here are some other sculptures ML that i have made for myself, family & friends, these are all made out of junk. Ive made really big bird nests & smaller 1s to, fish, birds, flowers, wattle, a blue thing thats goes around in the wind, flower with a button butterfly & a thing that doesnt look like anything in particular & more. I just go with what comes to mind at the time. I dont sell them, if someone likes it , i give it to them. With a big astonished look on my face that they want it to begin with.
if your happy when your birding, flap your wings.
Wow mrtattoo, I like No2 the best and the Pelican(?)What is stuck to your Hills? Is that part of a Sculpture? Sometimes the things one keeps are strange. My daughter has a new chicken, it has green legs and lays green eggs. I haven't eaten any, I keep them on the table, because they look so nice.(that made my husband think, I'm nuts!??)Well, what would life be without nutters ? Enjoy ! M-L Thanks for showing them to me.
Its an old bottle collection that i dug up when walking in the bush. I attached it to some bicycle parts so it turns in the wind. :')
if your happy when your birding, flap your wings.
INDIVIDUALITY is the key. Whats the enjoyment in being like your neighbour.....:')
if your happy when your birding, flap your wings.
You are a complicated and interesting person , Mrtattoo - also artistic and ingenious. Love the sculptures. Show us more?
now , some of my favourite words, INDIVIDUALITY and CREATIVITY! That reminds me of the day I was talking to a mother about the importance of creativity, her girl at the age of 5, had never been read a book to, or painted anything, or made music.Her question to me was: Creativity, what do you need that for?? What can you say? She also said, I don't think the girl is interested in reading, I gave her a book, but she didn't know what to do with it.Hmmm!
thanks for your comments everyone, will post some more sculpture pics soon. :')
if your happy when your birding, flap your wings.
Nice. The superbs are one of my favourites - I think only eclipsed by the varegated.