In the rain

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Araminta's picture
In the rain

The weather in Melbourne is terrible, very heavy rain. But I couldn't help it, I had to go outside and take some photos. (I was under cover though.LOL) Here are some wet birds:

a male Crescent Honeyeater:

wet females:

even wetter New Holland Honeyeater:

look at the drops on the back of the Grey Shrike-Thrush:

and this Eastern Spinebill:

that's all for one day!LOL Enjoy, M-L

Qyn's picture

I did enjoy your beautiful shots of both birds and Callistomens, Araminta. Your photos really are wonderful with very sharp images and well focussed eyes on these birds. Well done.

The rain has only stopped long enough here for me to take the dog for a walk and it started again as soon as we got home - lucky to get the walk in I guess.

"the earth is not only for humans, but for all animals and living things."

Owen1's picture

Those Crescent shots are awesome. Even when it rains you still have all the birds around!

Cheers, Owen.

Araminta's picture

I might have made a mistake, thinking birds two and three were "female Crescent Honeyeaters"? According to my S&D, the females don't have the yellow patch on the wing?
Any thoughts on that? If that is the case, I haven't seen any females yet. Thanks for your help, M-L

if you have a close look at the crescent on the shoulders, it does look like a male, or does it?


Araminta's picture

Could this be the missing female?? Help....


ScottTas's picture

It's hard to tell when they're wet and on different angles... But I think you're right up the top: 1. Male. 2 + 3 are females. The very bottom photo - is that another shot of the bird(s) in 2 + 3... Or is it possible that that is a juvenile? I'm getting confused!
Scott :)

Araminta's picture

I think you can tell which ones are the same bird, because they sit in the same spot on the branch. Only the last one sits in a different shrub. But I'm as confused as you are. If I get the chance, I will take new photos. M-L


birdie's picture

What a beautiful array of shots M-L. They are simply beautiful and as usual you have been able to get close and show different varieties ..... well done !

Sunshine Coast Queensland

GeorgeP's picture

Crescent HE in your backyard! I'll be right over. :lol: I, too, was out in the rain on Saturday looking for Buff-banded Rails and Sacred Kingfisher at our local wetlands. Lovely set of shots, M-L. Thanks for sharing.


Melbourne, VIC

Owen1's picture

You guys are pretty committed! If it rains I don't even bother going anywhere :P

Cheers, Owen.

birdie's picture

Jeez Owen..... that is a bit slack that attitude!!!! :')
Marie-Louise, I am with you baby..... just as soon as I am well enough I will be out there come rain ,hail or shine. I miss the bush walks so much and am very grateful for all my drop - ins in my garden, especially now that I have been given a gift of a terracotta bird bath for them to play in ha ha . I must say that they still like using the swimming pool !!!!! LOL

Sunshine Coast Queensland

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