rainforest birds

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ed's picture
rainforest birds

A few pictures taken a couple of weeks ago around Lake Eacham on the Atherton Tablelands, inland from Cairns. Mostly in rainforest, hence the flash. Not the best results with built in camera flash but not bad.
White-headed Pigeon.
[img] http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2459/3703436463_cf5f1ed34b.jpg [/img]
White-headed Pigeon.
[img] http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2557/3704242500_d4f3007627.jpg [/img]
Grey-headed Robin.
[img] http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2585/3703433503_b6b65b0aa5.jpg [/img]
Victoria’s Riflebird, male.
[img] http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2451/3704239978_d8b6272c85.jpg [/img]
Brown Cuckoo-dove, juv.
[img] http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3473/3704238870_083ed76a30.jpg [/img]
Pale-yellow Robin
[img] http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2665/3703428611_4957e9ee90.jpg [/img]
Victoria’s Riflebird, female.
[img] http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2631/3703427439_4205946d63.jpg [/img]
Spotted Catbird
[img] http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3455/3704234290_a30b00fc04.jpg [/img]

DenisWilson's picture

Stunning images, Ed.
Not sure how you got that close to wild birds, especially when using a flash.


There are some nice shots there ed,of some very shy birds.
You are very lucky to get a good shot straight up, I don't imagine most of them would have stuck around to long after seeing the flash.
Well done.

Birdgirl2009's picture

I think they are very good. The lighting is very even and the eyes have come up very well with nice definition but without obvious reflection of the flash

aa's picture

top stuff mate, i can imagine your effort on these shots :)

GeorgeP's picture

Very nice, ed. You were quite lucky to get so close to the Riflebirds. I've only ever seen them when they've been way up there.... Lake Eacham is a top place for birdwatching - one of my favourite places. Thanks for sharing.


Melbourne, VIC

birdie's picture

Great Shots Ed. The catbird is a great closeup with what must have been flash illumination, yet the eyes look good.
Love the little pale yellow robin.

I am in NZ at the moment and it is a bird void zone here except for thrush, blackbird, indian mynahs and starlings plus the obligatory sparrow where I am.

I miss my birdsong !! Especially in the mornings.



Sunshine Coast Queensland

Raoul's picture

Good variety of birds there ed.They all came out well.

smeedingo2's picture

HI ed
Nice shots I have a flock of White-headed pidgeons that I feed in my yard.

ed's picture

OK I'll fess up....it's amazing what a couple of pieces of banana on the deck railing will bring out of the forest!!

Ed Townsville NQ


Ha ha ha.....What a classic ed, mate that has just given me a good laugh.
Oh well if it works,good onya.

tarkineus's picture

LOL!!! ... There's obviously a trick in every trade! These are all simply gorgeous, ed - go to the top of the class, mate!

Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour

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