A big thanks to Alex for the suggestion of a Big Year Challenge! Most of the rules are taken from his suggestions.
The aim is to post photos of as many different bird species as you can taken and posted within the time frame of the challenge
Just a few simple guidelines to get you started:
- In this first iteration we will have a Small Year challenge
- It will run from September till December 2019 (will start fresh with a Big Year 2020 challenge next year)
- Each participant will have their own thread for each challenge that they post all their photos in to: E.g. Holly's Small Year 2019
- Every Bird Counts (EBC) - as long as it is clearly identifiable
- Only photos taken by you in Australia within the Year (timeframe) can be submitted
- Quantity not Quality - only your personal capacity for embarrassment (and EBC rule above) limits you! There is no judgement here!
- 1 Species (including all subspecies) = 1 Point - but feel free to post bonus pics of previously posted birds as you get better photos
- Rule adjudication by popular vote / howling mob (and admin stepping in where needed!)
- Comments (nice ones) encouraged on all threads, those of us who want advice / criticism can ask for it
- Winner takes all - fame, adulation, glory, bragging rights (and admin will organise a little Birds in Backyards prize pack - a couple of bird pins and a small BirdLife ID booklet)
What are the rules for captive birds? ie brolga and Jabiru at Australia Zoo.
Oh good question!
I am going to say wild birds only...
Hi Dev, we have previoulsy accepted domestic birds found in the wild (my Guinea Fowl and Muscovy for example), If they are in the wild (not caged or in a zoo/wildlife park), I dont think we would object. Either way, it's not like we're palying for the Sheep Station, so I don't think the others would object! Perhaps Best Photos could be an alternative.
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
Yep, I think "in the wild" is the point, and we should make that explicit. So you need to set them free first before photographing them ;-)
We should probably also make a cut-off date for this comp. Obviously photos can be taken up until midnight 31 Dec - should we make a date a couple of weeks later as cut-off for submissions to give people time to get home from holidays, post pics etc? Earliest of say midnight 15th Jan or when everyone has confirmed all uploaded, perhaps? Let me know what you think.
Yes that date works for me - and the Big Year comp will kick in Jan 1
Sounds good guys. I am super excited about it. Its just a pity I have to work in between birding trips lol.
Sounds good. I had best post a few more sooner rather than later. Thanks Alex & Holly
To expand on the 1 species (including all subspecies) = 1 point rule - if in any doubt, refer to Birdlife Australia Working List of Australian Birds for the accepted definitions of AU species at any given time