Bird of the Week: 8th July - feeding time

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Holly's picture
Bird of the Week: 8th July - feeding time

Hi everyone - hope you are all seeing some birds but keeping warm - gosh it is getting cold!!!!


This week's theme is nice and broad (and one we have had before) - lets see some feeding photos.

Araminta's picture

.....I remember,I must have left my lunch down here somewhere? It's just a matter of finding itcrying


rawshorty's picture

I know there is a mouse around here somewhere!

Black Shouldered Kite-2789 by rawshorty, on Flickr">Black Shouldered Kite-2789 by rawshorty, on Flickr


There he is.........

Black Shouldered Kite-2887-2 by rawshorty, on Flickr">[/url] Black Shouldered Kite-2887-2 by rawshorty, on Flickr


False alarm, i'll try over there.

Black Shouldered Kite-2947 by rawshorty, on Flickr">Black Shouldered Kite-2947 by rawshorty, on Flickr

Shorty......Canon gear


rawshorty's picture

A male Gang Gang feeding this morning were i am working.

Gang Gang Male-3032 by rawshorty, on Flickr">[/url] Gang Gang Male-3032 by rawshorty, on Flickr


Gang Gang Male-3056 by rawshorty, on Flickr">[/url] Gang Gang Male-3056 by rawshorty, on Flickr

Shorty......Canon gear


Araminta's picture

Boy do I love the first shot of the Kiteyes

Male Gang Gangs always look like the sleuth in a murder mystery. It's just the way they look at you laugh


pacman's picture

rawshorty wrote:

A male Gang Gang feeding this morning were i am working.

Gang Gang Male-3032 by rawshorty, on Flickr">[/url] Gang Gang Male-3032 by rawshorty, on Flickr


Gang Gang Male-3056 by rawshorty, on Flickr">[/url] Gang Gang Male-3056 by rawshorty, on Flickr

My only pics are not good and I have not yet seen them in Canberra; if they are back tomorrow please text me the address and I will leave work for an hour


windshear's picture

I was driving along when I spotted this Noisy Friarbird looking all fluffed up. I screeched to a halt, grabbed my camera and wound down the window. (not wanting to disturb it)(any more than I already did) First of all I thought he had something in his beak, but no, looks like he was really getting into some pollen.

As well as the Noisy, I also spotted two Little Friarbirds, but they wanted to play on the opposite side of whichever bush I was at. devil

Guess the wattlebirds have some competition now. :)

rawshorty's picture

A Gallah having a feed late yesterday.

Gallah-3956 by rawshorty, on Flickr">[/url] Gallah-3956 by rawshorty, on Flickr


Gallah-3963 by rawshorty, on Flickr">[/url] Gallah-3963 by rawshorty, on Flickr

Shorty......Canon gear


Annie W
Annie W's picture

Gorgeous shots guys!  Keep them coming!

These were taken a few weeks ago.  This little guy & his family have happily been "supervising" the overhaul of our garden.

What?  Is there something in my beak?

West Coast Tasmania

dwatsonbb's picture

Eurasion Coots, did not know they get most of their body "airborne" when diving.
Not the same bird, but does not look that appertising!
And then it spits something out.

Dale Huonville, Tasmania

windshear's picture

That's quite interesting about the diving. 

rawshorty's picture

A Crested Pigeon picking up seeds

Crested Pigeon-4267 by rawshorty, on Flickr">[/url] Crested Pigeon-4267 by rawshorty, on Flickr


Crested Pigeon-4315 by rawshorty, on Flickr">Crested Pigeon-4315 by rawshorty, on Flickr

Shorty......Canon gear


rawshorty's picture

A Nankeen Kestral using a powerline to search for food

Nankeen Kestrel-4228 by rawshorty, on Flickr">Nankeen Kestrel-4228 by rawshorty, on Flickr


Nankeen Kestrel-4235 by rawshorty, on Flickr">Nankeen Kestrel-4235 by rawshorty, on Flickr

Shorty......Canon gear


rawshorty's picture

Lousy overcast drizzly day today, but got a Whistling Kite with what is left of a rabbit.

Whistling Kite-4770 by rawshorty, on Flickr">Whistling Kite-4770 by rawshorty, on Flickr

Shorty......Canon gear


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