Wow - cracking effort last week everyone. Truly fantastic! Loved to see a range of shots that weren't just birds (not that birds are 'just' anything...).
This week though it is back to the birds. Lets go through the rainbow and post photos of birds (or parts of birds) that fit. Follow the ROYGBIV - Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet in order (think those last 2 will be challenging...)
- You can post either a shot of a whole bird that has features that colour, or, even better, crop in on a part of the bird (leg, eye etc) that is that colour.
- Keep with the order of the rainbow - ROYGBIV
- A species can only be posted once (so if a rainbow lorikeet is used for green, it can't be used again for blue).
- Each person can post multiple times but allow 2 other members to post before posting again.
- Once we get through all the colours, go back to the beginning. Lets see how many times we can cycle through the rainbow.
- State the name of the bird and the colour you are up to in the post.
King Parrot - Red.
Rainbow Lorikeet - Orange
After being away all last week and missing all the fun of the last challenge, happy to add a Yellow Throated Miner
Scaly breasted lorikeet - Green
Blue Bonnet - Blue
I hope the Purple Swamphen qualifies as Indigo??
I would call that indigo ML
I think indigo and violet are going to be pretty challenging so we may need to be a bit flexible but lets see how we go!
So then maybe we can call my Splendid fairy Wren , VIOLET then ?
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Black Swan - Red
Rufous Whistler - Orange
Black Shouldered Kite..............Yellow
Shorty......Canon gear
Australian Ringneck ( Twenty Eight) GREEN.
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
BLUE. Male Superb Fairy-wren
West Coast Tasmania
pale-headed rosella - I think that it's tail is indigo
I had to quite heavily crop it so sorry for the poor quality
Ok back to VIOLET again , I think maybe the Red-capped Parrots look as though they have violet bellies.
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
cycle 3
Crimson Chat - red
Three shades of -Orange- on a Spotted Pardalote
Striated Pardalote. Yellow.
Green Catbird... green
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Welcome Swallow -BLUE
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Kingfisher - Indigo (I think)
Gouldian Finch -- violet
Excellent work guys
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Scarlet honeyeater - Red
marvellous job with that last round guys
To me , the abdomen of the Eastern Spinebill looks pretty -orange-?
Yellow - Western Yellow Robin
The male Mallard Duck has a lovely GREEN head.
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Blue - Variegated Fairywren
Will this qualiify as indigo... somewhere between blue and violet?
Nice one Sue ....
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Great work again Sue ! So awesome !!!!!
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
The Gang Gang Cockatoo has a very -RED- Head.
Australian Shelduck probably a bit more brown than orange , so hope this passes as - ORANGE
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
The -YELLOW- eye of a Bush Thick-knee.
also Sue posted indigo so I think we missed VIOLET
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
OMG, should this be my fault?????? Just shoot me now !!!!! God forbid someone made a mistake.....
If I'm guilty, I'm sorry
Don't worry Araminta - it's no-one's fault, everything will be fine. Here is a Turquoise Parrot that I took a week ago. Green. Sorry as always about the heavily cropping.
OK I will fill in the violet one that got missed.... pretty sure you can see the beautiful violet on the breast of this Wompoo fruit Dove ... now the next bird must be Blue
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Thanks birdie. I also clearly did not think of doing that.
No worries Cotton .... it's all good
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Well, they don't come bluer than a male Satin Bowerbird?
Satin Flycatcher - Indigo
After resorting to a colour dropper tool to be sure, appears the face of this juvenile male Crescent Honeyeater comes after Indigo in the colour spectrum. So, Violet (or lilac
) his face is.
West Coast Tasmania
The RED eye of a White-winged Chough.
Mallee Ringneck. Oops, just realised now that red has just been taken. This will have to do as orange. Sorry about the heavily cropping.
Banded Lapwing- YELLOW
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Olive GREEN Lewin's Honeyeater
Nice work on the Violet Annie J.
BLUE-winged Kookaburra. Love the variety that this challenge is producing. Great photos from everyone and a real challenge to find some colours, Sue
OMG that Banded Lapwing is totally out there Shoop!!! I have NEVER seen one... looks like it has a biggles mask on!!! Fantastic!
Sunshine Coast Queensland