Hey everyone - first challenge in a new challenge subforum!
Here are the instructions:
- Person A posts a photo (e.g. Purple Swamphen)
- The next person (person B) has to post a photo of a bird with one word in their name starting with the third letter of a word in the previous birds name - in this case - R or A (so it could be a Buff-banded Rail, a Restless Flycatcher, a Australasian Hobby etc).
- Next person has to use the third letter as well - and so on
- One entry per person per time (so if the letter is R, don't go posting 5 birds starting with R, just one) BUT you can play again after 3 other people have had a go.
- The same bird species can be posted more than once (but different shots) and there can be multiple birds in the shot (i.e. it can be a flock of the same species).
Make sense?
I can clarify as we go (I was going to just go with the third letter of the full name but thought that might get too hard - so in the above example - just R and Restless Flycatcher).
Great idea holly, (I know I've already posted this image) but to get it started off Nankeen Night Heron
Cheers Babybirdwatcher
Another one I can't take credit for BBW - we have some clever forum members here...
So next photo needs to use a N a G or an R
Red-winged Fairy-wren
Double-barred Finch. Sorry this the only photo I could find, I hope that it's not too hard
West Coast Tasmania
Terek Sandpiper
Numenius Madagascariensis
Shorty......Canon gear
Mistletoebird (Dicaeum hirundinaceum) --- either or if thats ok.
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Silvereye. This is fun.
Scarlet honey Eater .... sorry no Latin for me !
Sunshine Coast Queensland
I agree with Rick N... this is fun ... so many great photos too ...keep them coming :)
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Ardea Alba
Shorty......Canon gear
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Sorry Rick .... your post didn't show when I posted mine
Sunshine Coast Queensland
No problem, there will always be the odd cross over post.
Red Browed Finch
Noisy Miner
New Holland Honeyeater.
White-naped Honeyeater
Ibis (Threskiornis moluccus) ( hope that doesn't make things hard by having '' i '' again ) Edited so you can use the Latin.
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Thanks for the Latin Restless Flycatcher
Yellow-billed Spoonbill.
Some lovely photos so far.
Osprey ( Pandion Haliaetus )
Shorty......Canon gear
I am lost here.... Shorty how does Osprey fit in? I am too slow as I was just going to post an L bird.... can you sort me out here ?
Please correct me if I am wrong though
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Shorty......Canon gear
Oh OF COURSE .... I am too slow for these challenges I suspect ..... if it is not my mind it is my searching for the appropriate bird!!!
Thank Shorty
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Pale Headed Rosella (Platycercus adscitus)
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Great photos everyone, absolutely love the quality and diversity of images displayed
Yes , I should have said that too baby birdwatcher .... they are really lovely and diverse , it is a lot of fun
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Scrubtit (Acanthornis magnus)
West Coast Tasmania
Australasian Shoveler
Silvereye ( Zosterops Lateralis )
Shorty......Canon gear
Lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus)
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Eurasian Coot (Fulica atra)
Osprey .. ( from CoOt)
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Pied Heron.
(Scarlet) Robin
West Coast Tasmania
Butcherbird (Cracticus torquatus)
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Aquila Audax
Shorty......Canon gear
Double-banded Plover
Pied Oystercatcher
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Eurasian Coot
Red-capped Robin
Shorty......Canon gear
Lovely shades of colour there Shorty
Yes beautiful colurs and a sweet bird..... all the shots are so lovely. Was that Wedgie in captivity Shorty? just wondered as it is such a top shot. Also ..Des.... isn't that a Pacific or White Necked Heron? Just asking as we see a few up here in Queensland .
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Thanks, Rick and Birdie.
The Wedgie is a wild bird, i did a short write up about it on here when i got them. I have heaps of pics including while he was eating the roo.
Shorty......Canon gear
I based my ID on the beak colour which seems to be more white on the Pacific. Also the location fits for the Pied as it was in Kakadu. However, you may well be right Birdie. I am using the Photographic Field Guide by Donald and Molly Trounson.
Thnaks Des ..... it must be a juvenile Pied ...... of course ..... how lucky you were to be in Kakadu .... I went there long before any decent camera gear or my birding passion developed
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Australian Pratincole (red caPped robin)