Feeding Blocks

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georgeb's picture
Feeding Blocks

I wish to make some feeding blocks to hang in the trees in my garden.
Can anyone help by advising me as to what is used to bind the seed together, I know in Europe that fat is used but this wouldn't be suitable in our hot climate.
Any help would be appreciated.

NormaB's picture

I remember the kids making a bird feeder at school years ago, the just spread peanut butter over a pinecone then rolled it in seed, however I have seen recipes for block feeders somewhere so I did a quick search.
This site http://www.cheapskates.com.au/pages/default.cfm?page_id=36011 (you need to scroll down a bit) has the pinecone suggestion, plus two recipes for block types. One uses flour and water and one uses egg white.
I did find another site that suggested using non toxic glue!! but I suppose that is basically what the flour and water one would be like... I think I would tend to go with the egg white one.

georgeb's picture

Thanks Norma, I'll give it a try.

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