No idea where you got them,how you got them,but I rang my local wildlife centre,you should do the same, and hand them over to someone in your area, like a licensed carer, who knows what they are doing!!! As soon as possible!
acoppin, do you have any photos to indicate size and developmental stage?
I raised a small honey eater, a Noisy Miner, and I think the principles hold true.
I would think any kind of raw 100% pure mince meat, rolled into a ball and pressed onto a feeding implement, I used a glass eye dropper.
Google as much as you can. To raise them properly, you need to teach them to fly and self feed when they are old enough - we humans are not the best for that.
I returned the Noisy Miner once its survival chances were strongly in its favor to its very social family.
Falcons are solitary hunters I would think.
Anyway, a photo or two would help and be very cool.
What you are doing is totally illegal. You cannot hold wildlife without the appropriate license in any state. Giving an answer such as:
"""Some regions don't have such luxuries hence trying to find any information I can."""
is about as lame as you can get. Where are you? Don't try to be a smartie or selfish and think you can do it like a lot of the general population tends to believe they can too - for your own fulfilment. It's much harder than anyone can imagine. Do the right thing and hand it to someone with the appropriate facilities and experience.
Thanks Windhover, for supporting what I tried to say in a rather careful way,"you can not hold BOPs without a license",me beeing such a new member, I was a bit shy. And acoppin,you never answered the question, how, and where did you get the Falcon chicks?
I understand your concern to a degree but to call me selfish is rather ignorant, I have enough to do in my life than look for such fulfillment as assumed by you. What would you all rather me do? Let them slowly die in front of me? Like I say handing them is not that easy, else I would, give them the best chance. But by the looks of your responses I won't be giving away any information or even asking for help or I might turn into some sort of criminal.Unless of course you want to come and pick them up, it'll be a long drive. regards.
You can't really expect a bird forum to approve of such illegal activity, even if you are genuine. There is a worldwide trade in such BOP and you can't expect people to know if you have purchased some eggs or are a genuine wildlife carer, it seems more likely to me you have just purchased some eggs.
I live in the outback and found their mother hanging dead from their nest with two half dead chicks in it, they are now very healthy and alive. am I still a criminal? what is the Australian coming to with such assumptions? Sadly so many people have lost touch with reality, I'm glad I'm not apart of that.
I have been watching this discussion with interest. You need to realise that people's realities are all different according to their individual environments and past experiences. This is a recurrent theme on this forum, and guaranteed to raise a few heckles... but not because they have lost touch with reality but rather because many concerned people here are trying to live with unpleasant realities (such as native bird smugglers). IF someone called you and said how do I care for a baby girl...has anyone got experience ... you would be immediately suspicious! It is no different in the bird world for those who care deeply about the protection and conservation our fauna.
A little communication goes a long way, and you don't have to pay by the word to post on a forum like this. If your situation was completely on the level then a short description of the location and the inherent difficulty with the distance would have sufficed.
Unfortunately "Has anybody had any experience in raising Falcon Chicks?" just was not enough info.
Don't assume that city folk are the enemy and maybe they won't assume that you are a redneck trying to break some laws :)
Good luck with the chicks' survival anyway and thanks for trying to help them.
Good to read they are "very healthy" ... keep up the good work! they will be a handful once they start to fly. You will need to construct some sort of make shift nest so they can fly free, when the time comes.
Acoppin we have absolutely no way of checking how you came upon the chicks or what your intentions are, or if you're telling the truth. Secondly your comment about people losing touch with reality is completely unfounded, if anything it's the opposite. You can't really expect us to believe you just because you come onto a forum and said that's how you come upon them, I could say I'm a 20 year old woman, does that make it true? Certainly not, if you're going to go around believing whatever you read posted by strangers then you're certainly welcome to, though I suggest you probably shouldn't. This is probably mostly noted in some of the recent cases of with social networking sites of pedophiles pretending to be someone else to lure someone to their house. You can hardly expect anyone to just believe what you're saying if we have absolutely no idea who you are, where you live etc. Especially when (as Wind and Greg said) the topic you are inquiring about is illegal and when there is a global market for the product. You're best course of action would be to contact WIRES which have several regional bases throughout the countryside, perhaps the best thing was to not intervene, as you're surely aware that somewhere the father is still out there, and might have been able to at least to care for one of the chicks. Sure you might be able to keep them in good health until they're fully grown, but what's the point? After that if you put them in the wild they almost certainly won't be able to fend for themselves after being hand raised by a human. Perhaps you are a genuine wildlife enthusiast, but all we have is your word to go off, which isn't convincing. Just to cap off, a quick question, what caused the parent birds death assuming that's how you found them? By the way, I do not mean this post in any derogatory manner and certainly not any personal attacks!
acoppin, I am surprised by the responses you are getting here, some short of hostile. I tend to favor giving people the benefit of the doubt until I find out otherwise.
Anyway, I think the majority view is that you ought to hand over the brown falcon chicks to WIRES. Contact them, and place the onus of pick up on them. That way you ensure the best future for the birds you care about and are not put out further yourself.
e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Please do not email details about injured animals as our
email is not monitored by our rescue team."
I would suggest calling them, and then let us know how that went.
You care about the future of the brown falcon chicks and they will need to be taught how to fly, hunt and the like - we humans cannot do this. Birds are meant to fly, and not to be caged.
If you have photos of the brown falcon chicks and their nest, etc, that would be good and interesting.
I believe you are telling the truth and will do the right thing.
Not quite on topic but it was interesting on the ABC show about penguins last week. Some of the chicks were starving to death but the researchers were forbidden to help them. The view was that nature has to run its course and dead chicks, while regrettable, were part of the natural breeding events.
I know some people would always want to save chicks but I tend to think it is better to leave things be. Often in a good season birds will try for a second brood but run out of food before the chicks fledge. Sad but we shouldn't interfere.
GregL,in my opinion you are spot on, the penguin chicks starving was a good example, that we have to do more to keep the environment healthy! There is no point in raising those chicks,(or more people for that matter),if there is not going to be enough food to keep them alive afterwards.
Hi,I was the holder of a license to care for wildlife up until 12 years ago when the regulations changed.
Take mynabirds advice and call them!
They're not going to race out and prosecute you,they will more than likely give you some advice on feeding until a licensed carer can take over,most carers started that way in the past,if possible take some photos of the nest site and mark it on a map if the chicks make it to release its usually close to where they were found.
Good luck!
Have called them and I have been given some good advice. I live in a very isolated region of WA so it makes it harder to just hand them on in. for everyone thinking I should have left them to die, would you have done it if the nest was sitting right outside your office window and you had to watch them slowly die? Aswell as put up with the smell of the poor dead mother hanging from the nest? Not sure how she/he died, a real shame. The chicks very healthy. Thanks to all for the support and for all that doubted my honesty I hope you can now give me the benefit of the doubt. cheers.
acoppin, grand news. Thanks for keeping us posted. One thing though, it would be very interesting to see these chicks, so a few happy snaps and you can upload them and share here. If possible, it would be good.
I am interested to see what exactly these falcon chicks look like ... living only a few kilometers from the CBD you can appreciate we have no such large birds here.
It is very rewarding to give birds a wing up to fly and be free.
My avatar is B# (be sharp), a Noisy Miner I rescued and released. :)
Gidday Araminta and Birdie, The wow was at what I had just read.
It seems ol mate was found guilty then hung,drawn and quartered before he got a chance to explain anything.
I had a simiiar experience on here some months ago.
not even knowing who you are where you are what you do what the hell would you expect people to think?
"Has anybody had any experience in raising Falcon Chicks?" that's hardly a way to ask for help in my opinion especially for a first post. I do believe there are more good than bad out there but I have seen way too much bad, so my trust is not given freely. good luck with them.
Pretty safe to say that you can probably put this one to bed now "Windhover", after what he has copped you have about as much chance of seeing Jesus Christ himself make a come back as you do seeing "Acoppin" come back here. :)
For those interested the falcons flew away a couple of months after finding them. I have sighted them now twice about 20km from our hOmestead. Healthy and free. Cheers
Wires after you do the rescue course do have a specialised Raptor course. I live in NSW and in my are I have white beliied sea eagles . I want to do the course in case there are chicks as I am retired and run the neonatal unit I think......and palliative care bugger. I know there are vaerious field workers eg electricity, who have done the course as rthey come across birds and creatures and would rather know what to do to get them to carers. I dont know if you can do it online or correspondence.
No idea where you got them,how you got them,but I rang my local wildlife centre,you should do the same, and hand them over to someone in your area, like a licensed carer, who knows what they are doing!!! As soon as possible!
Some regions don't have such luxuries hence trying to find any information I can.
acoppin, do you have any photos to indicate size and developmental stage?
I raised a small honey eater, a Noisy Miner, and I think the principles hold true.
I would think any kind of raw 100% pure mince meat, rolled into a ball and pressed onto a feeding implement, I used a glass eye dropper.
Google as much as you can. To raise them properly, you need to teach them to fly and self feed when they are old enough - we humans are not the best for that.
I returned the Noisy Miner once its survival chances were strongly in its favor to its very social family.
Falcons are solitary hunters I would think.
Anyway, a photo or two would help and be very cool.
I think it is great you are helping it/them !!!
What you are doing is totally illegal. You cannot hold wildlife without the appropriate license in any state. Giving an answer such as:
"""Some regions don't have such luxuries hence trying to find any information I can."""
is about as lame as you can get. Where are you? Don't try to be a smartie or selfish and think you can do it like a lot of the general population tends to believe they can too - for your own fulfilment. It's much harder than anyone can imagine. Do the right thing and hand it to someone with the appropriate facilities and experience.
Thanks Windhover, for supporting what I tried to say in a rather careful way,"you can not hold BOPs without a license",me beeing such a new member, I was a bit shy. And acoppin,you never answered the question, how, and where did you get the Falcon chicks?
I understand your concern to a degree but to call me selfish is rather ignorant, I have enough to do in my life than look for such fulfillment as assumed by you. What would you all rather me do? Let them slowly die in front of me? Like I say handing them is not that easy, else I would, give them the best chance. But by the looks of your responses I won't be giving away any information or even asking for help or I might turn into some sort of criminal.Unless of course you want to come and pick them up, it'll be a long drive. regards.
acoppin, don't let comments on some internet forum mean the death of those birds you want to save!!!
Save them!
You can't really expect a bird forum to approve of such illegal activity, even if you are genuine. There is a worldwide trade in such BOP and you can't expect people to know if you have purchased some eggs or are a genuine wildlife carer, it seems more likely to me you have just purchased some eggs.
acoppin, how did the falcon chicks come to be in your care?
Do you have some photos so one may better understand the chicks in your care?
I live in the outback and found their mother hanging dead from their nest with two half dead chicks in it, they are now very healthy and alive. am I still a criminal? what is the Australian coming to with such assumptions? Sadly so many people have lost touch with reality, I'm glad I'm not apart of that.
I have been watching this discussion with interest. You need to realise that people's realities are all different according to their individual environments and past experiences. This is a recurrent theme on this forum, and guaranteed to raise a few heckles... but not because they have lost touch with reality but rather because many concerned people here are trying to live with unpleasant realities (such as native bird smugglers). IF someone called you and said how do I care for a baby girl...has anyone got experience ... you would be immediately suspicious! It is no different in the bird world for those who care deeply about the protection and conservation our fauna.
A little communication goes a long way, and you don't have to pay by the word to post on a forum like this. If your situation was completely on the level then a short description of the location and the inherent difficulty with the distance would have sufficed.
Unfortunately "Has anybody had any experience in raising Falcon Chicks?" just was not enough info.
Don't assume that city folk are the enemy and maybe they won't assume that you are a redneck trying to break some laws :)
Good luck with the chicks' survival anyway and thanks for trying to help them.
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Good to read they are "very healthy" ... keep up the good work! they will be a handful once they start to fly. You will need to construct some sort of make shift nest so they can fly free, when the time comes.
Acoppin we have absolutely no way of checking how you came upon the chicks or what your intentions are, or if you're telling the truth. Secondly your comment about people losing touch with reality is completely unfounded, if anything it's the opposite. You can't really expect us to believe you just because you come onto a forum and said that's how you come upon them, I could say I'm a 20 year old woman, does that make it true? Certainly not, if you're going to go around believing whatever you read posted by strangers then you're certainly welcome to, though I suggest you probably shouldn't. This is probably mostly noted in some of the recent cases of with social networking sites of pedophiles pretending to be someone else to lure someone to their house. You can hardly expect anyone to just believe what you're saying if we have absolutely no idea who you are, where you live etc. Especially when (as Wind and Greg said) the topic you are inquiring about is illegal and when there is a global market for the product. You're best course of action would be to contact WIRES which have several regional bases throughout the countryside, perhaps the best thing was to not intervene, as you're surely aware that somewhere the father is still out there, and might have been able to at least to care for one of the chicks. Sure you might be able to keep them in good health until they're fully grown, but what's the point? After that if you put them in the wild they almost certainly won't be able to fend for themselves after being hand raised by a human. Perhaps you are a genuine wildlife enthusiast, but all we have is your word to go off, which isn't convincing. Just to cap off, a quick question, what caused the parent birds death assuming that's how you found them? By the way, I do not mean this post in any derogatory manner and certainly not any personal attacks!
acoppin, I am surprised by the responses you are getting here, some short of hostile. I tend to favor giving people the benefit of the doubt until I find out otherwise.
Anyway, I think the majority view is that you ought to hand over the brown falcon chicks to WIRES. Contact them, and place the onus of pick up on them. That way you ensure the best future for the birds you care about and are not put out further yourself.
Here are their contact details:
PO Box 260,
Rescue Call Centre: 13 000 WIRES or 13 00 094 737
Adminstration Office: (02) 8977 3333
Fax: (02) 8977 3399
e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Please do not email details about injured animals as our
email is not monitored by our rescue team."
I would suggest calling them, and then let us know how that went.
You care about the future of the brown falcon chicks and they will need to be taught how to fly, hunt and the like - we humans cannot do this. Birds are meant to fly, and not to be caged.
If you have photos of the brown falcon chicks and their nest, etc, that would be good and interesting.
I believe you are telling the truth and will do the right thing.
Let us know how the WIRES contact goes.
All the best.
Not quite on topic but it was interesting on the ABC show about penguins last week. Some of the chicks were starving to death but the researchers were forbidden to help them. The view was that nature has to run its course and dead chicks, while regrettable, were part of the natural breeding events.
I know some people would always want to save chicks but I tend to think it is better to leave things be. Often in a good season birds will try for a second brood but run out of food before the chicks fledge. Sad but we shouldn't interfere.
GregL,in my opinion you are spot on, the penguin chicks starving was a good example, that we have to do more to keep the environment healthy! There is no point in raising those chicks,(or more people for that matter),if there is not going to be enough food to keep them alive afterwards.
Hi,I was the holder of a license to care for wildlife up until 12 years ago when the regulations changed.
Take mynabirds advice and call them!
They're not going to race out and prosecute you,they will more than likely give you some advice on feeding until a licensed carer can take over,most carers started that way in the past,if possible take some photos of the nest site and mark it on a map if the chicks make it to release its usually close to where they were found.
Good luck!
Have called them and I have been given some good advice. I live in a very isolated region of WA so it makes it harder to just hand them on in. for everyone thinking I should have left them to die, would you have done it if the nest was sitting right outside your office window and you had to watch them slowly die? Aswell as put up with the smell of the poor dead mother hanging from the nest? Not sure how she/he died, a real shame. The chicks very healthy. Thanks to all for the support and for all that doubted my honesty I hope you can now give me the benefit of the doubt. cheers.
acoppin, grand news. Thanks for keeping us posted. One thing though, it would be very interesting to see these chicks, so a few happy snaps and you can upload them and share here. If possible, it would be good.
I am interested to see what exactly these falcon chicks look like ... living only a few kilometers from the CBD you can appreciate we have no such large birds here.
It is very rewarding to give birds a wing up to fly and be free.
My avatar is B# (be sharp), a Noisy Miner I rescued and released. :)
Wow !!!!!
Hi Tassie, haven't heard from you for some time. Please explain the " Wow!!!!" Or am I to stupid to get it? (wouldn't be the first time!)
LOL Tassie ... see what you have been missing out on :D
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Gidday Araminta and Birdie, The wow was at what I had just read.
It seems ol mate was found guilty then hung,drawn and quartered before he got a chance to explain anything.
I had a simiiar experience on here some months ago.
Ouch Tassie.... I knew that was what you were thinking.
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Cant believe no-ones mentioned "Wind up" on this thread ;-)
Central Victoria
Please explain Al... my turn to be thick now!
Sunshine Coast Queensland
not even knowing who you are where you are what you do what the hell would you expect people to think?
"Has anybody had any experience in raising Falcon Chicks?" that's hardly a way to ask for help in my opinion especially for a first post. I do believe there are more good than bad out there but I have seen way too much bad, so my trust is not given freely. good luck with them.
Pretty safe to say that you can probably put this one to bed now "Windhover", after what he has copped you have about as much chance of seeing Jesus Christ himself make a come back as you do seeing "Acoppin" come back here. :)
Ah Tassie,
But I have seen Jesus. I have. :)
Thanks for your input.
For those interested the falcons flew away a couple of months after finding them. I have sighted them now twice about 20km from our hOmestead. Healthy and free. Cheers
A grand result, acoppin. It's great that you followed up with the result for the brown falcon youngsters. Any photos?
Wonderful news ..... isolation in the outback is something many people dont understand . Thanks for following up
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Wires after you do the rescue course do have a specialised Raptor course. I live in NSW and in my are I have white beliied sea eagles . I want to do the course in case there are chicks as I am retired and run the neonatal unit I think......and palliative care bugger. I know there are vaerious field workers eg electricity, who have done the course as rthey come across birds and creatures and would rather know what to do to get them to carers. I dont know if you can do it online or correspondence.