Thought i would step in while Monica gets suggestions and start challengers.
This was a very popular one that Holly started back in March but i thought i would add a twist and include races. Type the species and race if applicable. I will try to find the time to make a list of birds already posted in a seperate post for people to check. Just one pic of a species unless it is a different race. Have fun guys and gals.
Pied Currawong
I'm at Tenterfield, NSW. (Formerly known as "Hyperbirds".)
Red-browed Finch
Shorty......Canon gear
Hi all,
Thanks for stepping in on the challenges and sending in your suggestions! I logged in this morning to post one but can see there's a pretty good one already going. So how about we leave this one for the rest of this week and see what we get. Then next Monday morning I'll start a new challenge from my growing list of ideas and take it from there!
To keep the ball rolling ... White-necked Heron (ardea pacifica)
Australian Hobby
Shorty......Canon gear
Capricornia White eye or race chlorocephalus.
Samford Valley Qld.
Laughing Dove (spilopelia senegalensis) from Carnarvon, WA