Birdcall of elusive bird in Buderim

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Birdcall of elusive bird in Buderim

For 20 years I have heard a bird calling in the late spring and summer and for years I attributed it to a treecreeper- but it isn't. It sounds very like the call of a frilled Monarch (Found in N Qld) but lasts longer and doesn't have the little whistle at the end. It is really loud and unmistakable- if only I knew what it was. Can anyone help?

Owen1's picture

Cicadabird is the only similar call I can think of after listening to a recording of the Frilled Monarch.

Cheers, Owen.


Thanks so much Owen. I looked up Cicada bird on Greame Chapman's website and his recording confirmed your suggestion. On my own birdcall CD, the calls  recorded for this bird did not include the obvious one so I was completely thrown! Having a name to research made it possible to solve my long-term mystery. I have seen the birds (male and female) often in my garden but never caught them performing that amazing call.

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