These are some of the birds that visit us at our Ilford property. The property is a little over 100 acres and the majority of it is virgin bush land. So nice to get away to.
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What a lovely selection of bushbirds. Gotta love them. I bet you could even get Barking Owls there. I know I've seen them at Glen Alice, which is not that far?
Thanks Akos, probably. Whenever I go up I always take Barbara Triggs' book:Tracks, scats & other traces.
I have found owl pellets before with glider jaw bones (so exciting) we get a lot of different birds & mammals up there. No, Glen Alice is not that far, about 60km by road I think.
Jackie ;0)
If it's glider jaw bones, then my guess would be Powerful or Sooty. They share similar habitats. Do you have wet, rainforest gullies nearby?
I would have to say no, I'm fairly sure that it is mostly dry sclerophyll.
The only wet parts on our property are two dams and down the back where the neighbours are they have a creek that runs.
Here are some pics of what the property looks like.
Oh, my! How fortunate you are, jfiess. What beautiful country!
I'm wondering if photo 5 is of a yellow thornbill.
Thanks Woko, you may very well be right (I am not that experienced with Thornbill ID's). We are lucky where our property is situated because it is mostly surrounded by untouched bushland.
I think probably Yellow and then Buff-rumped (no6).
Nice dry forests Jackie! Good Masked and Barking Owl country!
Beautiful land. I envy you the wildlife you must get there. I miss seeing the small birds around here.
Brisbane southside.
Lovely spot you have there Jackie and what a great selection of birds. It must be a real joy to live there.
Thank you Karen & Cath & Shane.
Unfortunately we don't live there; it's our weekend getaway/holiday place. We live at South Maroota (about 2 and a bit hours away).
Funny though that we have a lot of the same bird species at both places.
Jackie ;0)