Birds around Denmark WA

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Jhnkellett's picture
Birds around Denmark WA

A couple of wrens.

I will post more when i can reduce the size of the pics down to 500m.

Devster's picture

Wow, how nice to get these guys in your garden.

Jhnkellett's picture

Unfortunately not in my garden.

I was on holiday in Denmark all the photos were taken from the verandah of the cottage I was staying in.

Also the new birds I Ihave posted.

From my verandah I was entertained by a family of red winged Wrens most of the day. Western Rosellas would come every afternoon to feed on whatever was around. There was a couple of Dusky Woodswallows, but I couldn't get near enough for a decent shot.

The usual entourage of Gallahs, Twenty Eights, Magpies, Crows, tree Martins, a square tailed Kite, and several birds i did not recognise, they were in the forest and I just could not get a decent view.

Jhnkellett's picture

These little fellows used to visit several times a day. 

They fed on some of the grasses planted in the garden.

Jhnkellett's picture

This delightful bird had buit a nest in the planter box on the verandah. The planter is in a previous pic of the Red winged wren.To access the holes entrance he would fly between my legs as I sat on a chair next to his nest hole. The entrance was where the bottom plank of the planter had sagged leaving a 30mm gap.

laza's picture

Fantastic, they do get some wonderful bird life down there

Dont take life too seriously, it never ends well

Jhnkellett's picture

Yes there are some wonderful birds.

I did find them very shy. The pics were taken from my varandah, but in the forest I could hear plenty of birdsong, but see very little.


Lovely little birds ... nice phnotos.

HelloBirdy's picture

Great selection of birds

Aiming for DSLR-quality shots with a bridge camera

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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