I was out doing a bird count yesterday, and on my way back home at late dusk, saw these two flying around together. Because of the dim light and distance, the photos are terrible. Can anyone recognise them though? I am in Townsville, Qld. I was in scrubby woodland on the edge of suburbia with a currently dry watercourse.
Thanks in advance!
Honeyeaters... I'm still thinking about which species... one on left an immature... it may have been begging for food... Lorne : )
Thanks for that. Any more information appreciated.
Adele... Singing, perhaps? A bit of a stab in the dark. Images are blurry and light is difficult. Lorne
Travelling so only on my phone's small screen but have you considered Brown-backed Honeyeaters?
On computer now and still think Brown-backed Honeyeaters which are in the area. You can see the scalloping on the breast of the adult and streaks in the breast of the young one. Pinkish brown bill and legs also fit and general facial markings look right although the thin white line under the eye is difficult to see in grainy photos.
I tend to agree, Sue. Good call! I was looking through P&K last night and the plates fit. Lorne
Thanks guys. I agree that the Brown-backed Honeyeater is a definite contender. I was thinking that it might have been a little too big to be a BbH (something you can't tell on the photo) but I can't find anything more suitable. Thanks again for your advice. Much appreciated.