Black Swans

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alcatraz's picture
Black Swans

The first ever photo I took was in Melbourne at the botanical gardens. It was of a Black Swan and I used a Kodak Brownie camera that was taken along for the day by my mother. I was about six or seven I guess. Which means I have been snapping for around 60 years. I captured these swans at Eagleby Wetlands.


Always very photogenic  - i like the last one seeing them glide past through the vegetation

laza's picture

Always good to see these birds

Any cygnets yet ?

Dont take life too seriously, it never ends well

Reflex's picture

I remember the Kodak Brownie. Very popular camera in its day. Such a shame to think that Kodak didn't embrace digital photography and as a result had to close their doors. Looks like you have well and truly been smitten with the photography bug again.

Samford Valley Qld.

alcatraz's picture

Thanks Whistling Duck. I agree. It's good to portray birds in the context of their environment in any set of pics. 

alcatraz's picture

Not that I have seen so far Laza, but I have just started going to this location. Hope so! Cheers.

alcatraz's picture

Thanks Reflex. I think Kodak invented digital photogtaphy, but failed to capitalise on it. I have that old pic somewhere and will add it to the post when I find it! 

Wollemi's picture

There is little one can say about swams that has not already been immortalised in poetry, or painted in the arts. Lovely graceful birds and lovely to see such nice photos. thanks for sharing

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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