I came home from a business meeting and found this bird under my figtree - I was in the car in the driveway and stopped suddenly to grab my camera to get a shot - hence the first blurry shot. I parked the car in the garage and raced out again and sneaked up towards the bird but it took off and landed in our liquidamber where I was able to get a much better shot.
I thought at first a falcon but when looking it up at the birdfinder found it could be either of these. I suspect it was under our figtree watching the small silvereye that are feverishly eating our figs. None of our cats were outside otherwise the raptor probably wouldn't have been on the ground and I wouldn't have seen it. Very excited - never seen one of these before.
Collared sparrowhawk, I think. The grey throat is a key indication of this in your shot, kathiemt.
Ok, thanks for that. I should have gotten notification of your answer but I didn't so might mention that to the webmaster here. I'd been waiting to hear.
Selby, Victoria
Now, you are advertising AGAIN here, I have said it before, you are not allowed to put up links to your business website, I don't do it and you shouldn't get away with doing it either, it says so in the forum rules. Don't tell me otherwise, because if you click on "visit the shop", it's where you can purchase your photos etc on line.Please stop doing it now, if this is tollerated, I will advertise my business here ! I would like Holly to please comment on this.
Yes, when you mention things to the "webmaster", please ask about the "Forum Rules" about advertising.
Hi guys
The forum rules do state no advertising, so Kathie can you please remove the website from your signature. I am fine with people copyrighting any images they display on here with their names but we have to have a blanket 'no business advertising' rule or it could get messy as to who is advertising what.
I really didn't know - any other forum I belong to always has signatures and I didn't see anything that said I couldn't. And I'm sorry but I'm not getting notification of any messages here at all - even though I select that option. I'll remove the signature - but perhaps that's something that should be mentioned in the section where you can set them up, as I've always had one set up since I've been here.
Selby, Victoria