Brown Thornbill or something else?

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kathiemt's picture
Brown Thornbill or something else?

Couldn't get a good close up shot of this yesterday but here are a couple of images for you to see. First in our rose bush, where it flew out and caught an insect and came back again, then in the corner of our house where there are cobwebs.

Araminta's picture

My house looks like that Kathiewink I call it "birdfriendly" . Brown Thornbills love it. I think yours is one.


kathiemt's picture

Yes, can never get rid of all the cobwebs. We must have some on our loungeroom window as we had a butcher bird tapping on the window last week laugh

Selby, Victoria

Araminta's picture

cheekyI'm not trying, it's food for birdswink


Woko's picture

And nesting material. Theoretically, at least, the number of webs around the house should decline at nesting time for a variety of nest builders.

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