Brown-headed Honeyeater

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Araminta's picture
Brown-headed Honeyeater

at least that's what I think it is?  I only had one shot at it, with the shorter lens. So, what you see is all I've got.

(300mm lens, shutter speed 1/500sec, F5.6, ISO 1250)

Am I right with the ID?

DSC00270 (3)

Woko's picture

You sure are, Araminta. We've had an excellent increase in numbers of this species, from none a few years ago to about 5 four years ago & now 19 a couple of weeks ago. Twelve seen so far this week. It shows what providing the appropriate habitat can do!

Araminta's picture

Thanks so much Woko, that makes me very happy!!!


Woko's picture

Geez! It's a great day to be sitting at the computer in the warmth of the hearth.

Owen1's picture

Great shot of an appealing little Honeyeater M-L. I like the habitat with the pink flower.

Cheers, Owen.

timmo's picture

Great shot, M-L, I've never seen one of these before.

There are so many similar birds in the Melithreptus genus - mostly separated spatially, but a few birds seem to overlap around the sub-tropics of northern NSW and SE Qld. I remember trying to identify one that I ended up IDing as a black-chinned honeyeater, but got a little stuck with a fleeting glimpe and no photo.


Karen's picture

I wish my eyes were better as I see so many tiny brownish coloured birds, but am unable to ID them due to lack of details. 

Such a lovely photo.  I love seeing pics like this.

Brisbane southside.

Araminta's picture

The Black-chinned Honeyeater looks a bit similar, but the eye has pale blue skin around it, and is black on the head.

Sorry about your eyes Karen, if you take photos of them, you can then enlarge them on the computer, that would help?


Karen's picture

M-L, yes, if I can get a pic to start with, I can usually play with it on the computer.  I probably over sharpen pics, but its just compensating my vision. 

Brisbane southside.

pacman's picture

thanks for the pic - a species that I have not seen


Correa's picture

Wow, you keep on doing it!  I am jealous too, I wanna live in your street Araminat!

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