Brush Cuckoo

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clif2's picture
Brush Cuckoo

 I visited a reserve recently on Brisbane's southeast called JC Trotter Park which backs onto Tingalpa Reservoir, it is similar to coastal heathland but has some stunning Eucalypts. I was there only a short time and was treated to some birds I haven't seen before:- Brush Cuckoo, Leaden Flycatcher and another I haven't Id'd as yet, a very pretty place indeed. Here are a few  photos from that day.

sighted- Spotted Pardalote, Gray Fantail, Noisy Friarbirds, Rainbow Lorikeets, Rufous Whistler( male & female), Wrens, Brown Honeyeater, Brush Cuckoo, Eastern Yellow Robins, Leaden Flycatcher (female), Darter, Galahs at nest and a Brahminy Kite.

pacman's picture

great pics, thanks for sharing

I have visited JC Trotter Park once and it was a bit slow

have you put the not yet identified bird on the Identifications thread?


Owen1's picture

This one is a Fan-tailed Cuckoo because the bright yellow eye ring and richer buff on the breast.

Nice shots though.

Cheers, Owen.

clif2's picture

Thanks Owen1 you are correct, I had a bit of trouble identifying this one and because I didn't get a look at the tail didn't help me either



clif2's picture

Hi pacman, I was there this morning and it was quite until the fog lifted and then there was a lot of birds about. The first time I was there had a lot of activity on the path to the right which runs down to a fence but very little apart from noisy friarbirds after that, but today they were in areas that were quite last time where I saw Rufous Whistlers ( male & female), rufous fantail, lorikeets, noisy friarbirds, another fan-tailed cuckoo, brown honeyeater, eastern yellow robins and a koala. I still have some more tracks to explore down there yet.



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