Hi, I sighted and photgraphed a Buff-banded Rail at Springwood Country Club on the Lower Blue Mountains this morning. It has been residing there for a couple of weeks now and I was lucky enough to have my camera this morning and it has been identified by a friend that is an avid bird watcher.Unable to upload a photo because file size is to big and I do not know how to reduce it.
the BbR is not an easy bird to photograph
Downsize - select the pic, open the pic in Microsoft Office, select Edit Pictures and then you can downsize
A Buff-banded Rail has made itself at home in Trumper Park, Paddington NSW. It took me a while to identify it as it always seemed to be on the opposite side of the pond but today it was happy to have me sit and stand quite near. Unfortunately I did not have a camera with me.
This is the first Buff-banded Rail I have seen and was thrilled to have a new species move in to the neighbourhood. I do fear for its future as it is a popular off-leash dog area and cats are plentiful too.
Although Centennial Park is not too far away, the Buff-banded Rail is not listed as a species found there despite the extensive wetlands.
Hi paddington. It's wonderful to hear about your observation of a buff-banded rail in Paddington but dismaying that it's under threat from dogs & cats & their irresponsible owners. Have you thought of approaching your local council about protection for this & other birds from these threats or writing to the local newspaper about your sighting & the dangers to it?
Personally, I find it intriguingly contradictory that authorities can encourage wildlife with wetlands but then allow threats such as off- leash dogs & cats to destroy it.
I returned to Trumper Park pond and have spotted three (3) Buff-banded Rails in residence. I managed to take a couple of photos and have uploaded the better photo.
Wow, three of them, they didn't look bothered by you? Or were they far away?
(just one question, with a nice photo like that, why do you put the date so close to the bird? It's a shame really.You will have the date on your file?)
Araminta: The birds were about four metres away. They do not seem too bothered with humans but ensure that none gets too close either.
It is a new camera so it was not intentional to have the date so close to the subject. They move quite quickly and I was lucky to get two of the birds together. I don't think getting three together is going to happen whilst I am watching.