After an ID on this bird please. I'm thinking butcherbird. The colour seems a bit odd. Albury, southern NSW.
untitled-1853.jpg by robert, on Flickr
Good for grey butcherbird, dull colours should indicate immature
RyuCanberraAiming for DSLR-quality shots with a bridge camera
Thanks Birdy.
2nd Ryu on Grey Butcherbird.
I had a look at your Flickr photos and most seem to have too much yellow, Rob.
You need to check your camera settings.
Kippa-ring, Qld.
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Good for grey butcherbird, dull colours should indicate immature
Aiming for DSLR-quality shots with a bridge camera
Thanks Birdy.
2nd Ryu on Grey Butcherbird.
I had a look at your Flickr photos and most seem to have too much yellow, Rob.
You need to check your camera settings.
Kippa-ring, Qld.