Thanks Araminta and Tim. This was at Irrawong Tim they are very common in Warriewood Wetlands and this one was having a great time eating spiders from underneath Cabbage Tree Palm Fronds (you can still see some web near it's beak)
That is a great whipbird photo - love the glint in the eye and the eye contact. Can be tricky customers to get a clear shot of, always half obscured by foliage.
I have been pleased to get a few photos of them recently around browns waterhole in the lane cove NP.
What a fantastic photo This is one of the best photos I have seen in a long time.I just love everything about it
Great shot. They are so hard to get good photos of. Was this at irrawong?
Thanks Araminta and Tim. This was at Irrawong Tim they are very common in Warriewood Wetlands and this one was having a great time eating spiders from underneath Cabbage Tree Palm Fronds (you can still see some web near it's beak)
That is a great whipbird photo - love the glint in the eye and the eye contact. Can be tricky customers to get a clear shot of, always half obscured by foliage.
I have been pleased to get a few photos of them recently around browns waterhole in the lane cove NP.