Yesterday we went to the Cheetham Wetlands, it was a VERY hot day. We started off to do one of the longer walks, never ending, as it seemed to me. It made me feel dizzy....., so we had to turn back before we even got anywhere. I didn't want to go home without any photos, so we went to one of the hides. Unless I had doubbbble vision, there were huge numbers of Black Swans.I was more interested in the Waders, as I have not seen many of those kind of birds. I took some photos from a distance, although there were footprints in the dry mud, I did NOT want to trample around the edge of the water, you never know what you might destroy, and I think no photo is worth destroying habitat. So here are some ,taken from a distance, my friend Owen helped to ID.
Oh, I forgot to mention, I stopped on the way out of the Park to take some photos of Wagtails, when a car stopped, and someone called out: What do you think you are doing? That scared me for a minute, this being an Army Base and the odd signe no photos to be taken. But, it was CATH and SHANE, going into the Park. Hope they had more luck finding birds than me.
Good shots Araminta, yes it was a very hot day. Did you see the large flock of Red-necked Avocets? I saw them at a distance, first time I have seen them (well sort of).
Yesterday I went on a wild butterfly chase for the Eltham Copper, a no show. It's such an awful day outside today, a good day to upload pics inside etc.