Chilly Californian winter visitors

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Phil_in_CA's picture
Chilly Californian winter visitors

This Nuthatch must not realize just how far from home he is!  But, no matter, he needs a drink before he hurries on his way... Home for Christmas?!?

Nuthatch a long ways from home! by Phil in CA, on Flickr

This fella is a regular

Mockingbird juvenile by Phil in CA, on Flickr

Sorry to report that the reason these are not clear is that I shot them through a double-paned sliding glass door, rather than try to get through it.... I knew they would flee for sure! ;2)

Woko's picture

Tell me more about Nuthatches & their movements, Phil. Are you snowed in where you live? We're getting very cold news footage of current Californian conditions.

Annie W
Annie W's picture

Through double-paned glass?  Really?  Crikey, I didn't pick that, these are still pretty darn sharp Phil!  (And you must have a lovely clean door too I might add laughlaugh).  These are beautiful shots, love love love seeing all your birds.  Really like your birdbath by the way - is that just a home-made garden irrigation/sprinkler type set-up you have over it?  I need to do something like that with mine.

West Coast Tasmania

Phil_in_CA's picture

Hi Woko, and for clarification, I am just an SOB (Spouse Of Birder)... Hahahaha.  I am surprised to see that some map this fella as a "year round" resident of CA generally and others map him as only in certain places.  I thought he was a Rocky Mountain and points east catch... I was wrong!  I still do contend that he is at least a "migrant" who moves through my area, as we see them rarely.  We are on the western edge of the San Joaquin Valley, about midway between SF and LA, if you lay a straight-edge across to each; and about 10 miles off Interstate 5.  No, thankfully, we are not snowed in. There was a forcast for snow a week ago, but even though there was cloud cover, the precipitation was rain as the temp was in the 40s because of the cloud cover and no wind.

Hello, AnnieJ, I am glad that these shots are as good as they are because of the Nuthatch sighting and my dislike of the 40 degree temperatures during the day, now...  I was not williing to sit outside (the circulation in my legs is bad) and wait for him.  My wife, the real birder, saw him and I laid in wait in the living room in my comfy, overstuffed chair; tripod and camera at the ready!  I guess I am too spoiled, as I was less-than-thrilled with these... the camera/lens combo gives a much, much sharper image without all that extra glass in the way!  I guess I would have to agree that the door is pretty clean most of the time, or how else could we enjoy our back yard; which by the way, my wife got certified as a Wildlife area...  No, neither the birdbath or the "dripper" were hand made, although my wife has good, expensive tastes and spares no expense when it comes to coddling our birdie friends!  Hahahaha

Thank you, both for looking and taking the time to comment! Happy summer birding down under!


Woko's picture

Thanks Phil. I'm learning every day so thanks for your contribution.

Annie W
Annie W's picture

A certified Wildlife area...Wow!  Other than your wonderful birdlife, do you have many other "visitors" Phil?

I'm thinking I might be able to create something a little similar to your dripper, if I can't find one that is.  I really do like the idea, so I'd say your wife's tastes are refined & detailed, and agree wholeheartedly to hang the expense if it's for the birds, hahaha. smiley

West Coast Tasmania

Phil_in_CA's picture

I didn't get the name quite right, it's a National Wildlife Habitat area. It has to do with the mixture of foods available, nesting sites and materials, and of course water features... oh, and dust bath areas... it's over my head.  I am just the SOB!

I can't remember where the copper piped dripper came from, but I texted my wife to ask her.  When she remembers, I will forward that to you.  If you want, I can image it for you... that way, you can see how it's made.  Let me know.

Edit: I just looked at the pictures above and see that there is a pretty good shot of the workings of the dripper.  It is hinged near the valve and the valve is attached to the arcing pipe and to a plastic pipe that runs under the grass to a fawcet next to the house. I guess the only trick would be hinging the thing.  If you would like a closeup let me know.

Phil_in_CA's picture

Just FYI, here is a shot from the same spot as the ones above were imaged.  Only, this time with the door open... I had come to the door to let my pup, Boo, out and saw the Nuthatch on the birdbath again!  This time, I opened the door wide enough to image through and went for the camera/tripod which was near.  Of course, the Nuthatch was too shy for all the hubbub inside and flew, so I imaged this cute female Lesser Goldfinch.  She looked as if she had been in the suet or another feeder with white stuff in it... hahaha.  Her feet are caked with it! She should take a bath.

Anyway, this image is more like what I get with my camera/lens combo. (Canon 40D/100-400L).

Female Lesser Goldfinch by Phil in CA, on Flickr

Night Parrot
Night Parrot's picture

That birdbath is quite psychedelic . Looks like the result of a mixture of clay and hemp. More hemp than clay I suspect.

Annie W
Annie W's picture

Yes, I can see the difference now, especially comparing the clarity of the dripper waterdrops.  Still impressed with the first shot through glass though, but I get what you mean completely.  When you know your gear can/could have delivered a sharper shot....smiley

Beautiful shot by the way.  What has she got on her feet though?  Looks like she's hopping from foot to foot, whatever it was perhaps felt uncomfortable or odd so she came for a bathe.  Only if you have the time to get a close-up shot of the dripper Phil, crazy time of year and all.  But if you do, that would be lovely thankyou - just PM me with it probably easiest - no rush.  Cheers!  yes

West Coast Tasmania

Phil_in_CA's picture

Night Parrot... >More hemp than clay I suspect.<  Hahahaha. I needed that one!  The birdbath is molded concrete, however.  As to whether or not the original artist was into hemp is another question entirely!!!

AnnieJ - When I got my L series lens, I was shooting with a Canon Rebel, but soon tired of it's slow handling and less than wonderful "noise" at anything more than ISO 200; at odds with a 400mm lens which needs really fast shutter speeds and as wide open as possible or in other words... high ISOs, which in turn means more noise!  Ouch!  So, I got a used 40D which I can shoot at ISOs up to 1600 with little noise...  Also, it's much more "User friendly" than the Rebel.  I've gotten to know the 40D pretty well.  I just wish I was a better photog...  Thanks for your continued kindness to this novice.


Phil_in_CA's picture

Annie, Oh I forgot to say that I will get a couple of shots on their way to you here, shortly!


pacman's picture

thanks for the pics PHil

made me look at my list to see if I had ticked them in 2011 when I was on a study tour in the States

i do want to get back some day


Canonguy's picture

I love the Mockingbird juvie. Nice species mate.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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