Could this be a young brush turkey?

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Thommo's picture
Could this be a young brush turkey?

Hi guys. It's been a long time but I'm back, wondering about a small bird in my backyard. Wondering if it is a young brush turkey.

Catching sight of it in the corner of the eye it looked like a quail, but too big. When it settled under the mulberry tree it looked like a perfectly formed mini domestic chook with similar tail and proportions although the tail did not rise above the back line. It was happy with the fallen fruit, not those still on the tree. More timid than adult turkeys but you would expect that I guess.

I hope there is an image showing but if not goto

The colouring is about right but this was older/bigger AND the tail did not rise above the back line which you would expect of a turkey. There was no sign of even a rudimentary red head and wattle.

BTW I'm in Townsville, NQ. and have neighbourhood turkeys.

Thommo's picture

He's back and I think I'm right. It has this rudimentary tail as in this photo and what I thought was a tail were flight feathers.

SteveM's picture

Agree. Brush-turkey chick.

timmo's picture

Yep, almost certainly - the red on the ears and the head colour say so to me.


BajanAlan's picture

Very cute

Thommo's picture

Very cute,

True, but those pics were downloaded of the net. 

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