Some of the unknowns after a quick trip to Coward Springs. I just made it in and out between road closures for rain!
Superb Fairy wrens?
I'm not sure about this one. I found a couple of birds it might have been but the range seems wrong.
Thick Billed Grasswren?
I struggle with birds of prey.
Thanks for your time!
1 and 2 im guessing are White-winged Fairy-wrens, 3 and 4 White-throated Gerygone (out of its usual range), 5 I agree with Thick-billed but I am definately not experienced with Grasswrens ,6 is a Black kite and 7 is a Brown Falcon.
I would love to see a grasswren one day, Its a great find! I suggest you report the White-throated Gerygone on Eremaea because it is pretty far from their usual range.
Posted a report up. I guess they approve posts. I'm not familiar with the site and looking for a way to join.
I'm quite happy that the first shot I got was in an unusual location out of range.
I was quite sick on the trip so didn't end up doing my usual amount of trapsing around looking for birds. This was simply a good guess and about an hour of following noise and the odd flicker as they flew away. Quite late in the day and I ran out of light. The Grasswren just flickered out between some bushes. I got three shots and it was gone. I didn't even have time to see what I had taken.