Crested Hawk (Pacific Baza)

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diannacabanna's picture
Crested Hawk (Pacific Baza)

We have a pair of nesting Crested Hawks in a tree in our backyard. They have two or three young now and so lots of flying to and from with food, hope the photos will be clear enough for you to see

pacman's picture

Pacific Baza nest in your backyard - that is great


Araminta's picture

o, just three words describe how I feel, "green with envy"

How wonderful, you are so privileged to have them. I'm sure you will enjoy every minute you can observe them.


timmo's picture

How exciting to have a Pacific Baza nest in your backyard!

I find these birds really interesting - they have such a beautiful and interesting feather pattern, and they are really interesting in their behaviour/niche.

They seem really different to the majority of birds of prey, as I don't know of many other birds of prey that focus specifically on the smaller prey like frogs and insects, and prefer more forested environments.


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