Cuckoo? Cicadabird?

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Amson's picture
Cuckoo? Cicadabird?

Need some help with the following photos from this morning.

1 and 2. Varied Triller???

3 and 4. Cicadabird female ???

5. Barred Cuckoo Shrike??

Or Oriental Cuckoo??

All these birds were in the same tree with Orioles, Female Golden Whistlers and Little Cuckoo Shrike. Just so high up and light was terrible so very difficult to get good photos.

Oops forgot location, sorry. Location is our home on Sunshine Coast of SEQ.

pacman's picture

please always include your location as it can exclude certain possibilities


teganb02's picture

1 & 2 - I think female Rufous Whistler, heavily streaked breast and I see rufous on her sides

3 & 4 -  Agree with female Cicadabird, I can see a faint line through eye

5 - is a Ground Cuckoo - Shrike

Tegan - Melbourne Vic.

HelloBirdy's picture

Tegan is right for #1&2. I don't know about the rest

Aiming for DSLR-quality shots with a bridge camera

SteveM's picture

I agree with others, 1 & 2 is Rufous Whistler, 3 & 4 Cicadabird, and the last one is a Barred Cuckoo-shrike, a great bird to get. 

teganb02's picture

I hate to contradict Steve, but it's a Ground Cuckoo-Shrike. Note the light grey on its chin,and the dark grey around the eye, a Barred is all dark grey, and the stripes on this bird are very fine, thin and kind of broken, but a Barred would have thicker stronger stripes

Tegan - Melbourne Vic.

Amson's picture

Thanks everyone for your help. I went back to same tree this morning and got some more photos of bird number 3 if this helps. The back seems to be very dark grey but difficult to tell as the bird was high up in tree and all my photos are from below. I am happy whatever as I have never seen either of these birds in our yard before. :-)

HelloBirdy's picture

teganb02 wrote:

I hate to contradict Steve, but it's a Ground Cuckoo-Shrike. Note the light grey on its chin,and the dark grey around the eye, a Barred is all dark grey, and the stripes on this bird are very fine, thin and kind of broken, but a Barred would have thicker stronger stripes

Sorry Tegan, I haven't seen either of these 2 species mentioned but a quick glance in the field guide say no to Ground Cuckoo-shrike, with key differences in favour of Barred being: the barred undertail (ground has no barring under the tail), Small black mask in front of the eyes, and the extent of the darker part of flight feathers

Aiming for DSLR-quality shots with a bridge camera

teganb02's picture

When it tilts it's head it looks like it has a light grey patch! Oops apparently you DO have a Barred! :-)

Tegan - Melbourne Vic.

Amson's picture

Thanks so much Tegan and Ryu. Your help has been so greatly appreciated. How wonderful to have another bird to add to our list ;-)

pacman's picture

and you would not expect to see a Ground Cuckoo-Shrike on the Sunny Coast, SEQld - always good to check iDs to locations


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