I have to say that I think that Coot chicks are a little aesthetically challenged, with their red bald spots and Norman Gunston comb-overs . But so much so, that it makes them very cute, to me anyway.
Very healthy looking Coot Chicks and Juveniles at various stages & ages at a nearby Pond & Reserve, so I took a few snaps of different families on the day to try to show how much they can change - that always amazes me with many birds, how they look at first compared to how they look as adults.
So, a few pics of the Coots from The Pond, with two photobombers to follow:
Eurasian Coot & Chick
Eurasian Coot & Chicks
A slightly older Eurasian Coot Chick
Eurasian Coot - Juvenile.
Beautiful round chubba!
And the photobombers....while waiting for a particular family of Coots to reveal themselves, this Tasmanian Native Hen was doing the oddest dance routine I've ever seen, very distracting . Actually, apart from living up to their nickname of "Turbo Chook" and running helter skelter away from you, and swimming, I've never seen one do anything very different before. He was basically just holding up his wings, but letting the very strong wind whip them about every which way. Might be something as simple as him just drying his wings out or some sort of mating dance - although no other Native Hens were nearby. I don't know, so perhaps another fellow Tasmanian might have a better explanation than that. Pretty entertaining to watch anyway.
And the second photobomber was this little guy, just kept landing a short way in front of where I was skulking, waiting for the coots. Seemed like he was insisting on having his photo taken instead, so how could I resist .
I reckon your "turbo" doesn't know he is a flightless species - and his parents told him he can do anything he sets his mind to! He just wants to take off! Seriously, never seen that before either, could be as you suggest drying or maybe thermo regulation, if it was a hot day. Love all these photos, thanks.
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
turbo hen, mmm what a funny name. nice shots
See it! Hear it!
Mid-North Coast NSW
Lovely images, strange looking chics makes for great photography & these chics are certainly strange looking.
Again , great photos Annie!
at risk of sounding like a broken record , may l ask what camera/lens you were using?
l like the first photo , the chick bears a startling resemblance to Darth Maul...Dark Lord of the Sith! LOL
Thanks Dale, Darin, Dennis & Barney. You're probably quite right Dale, was a very cool day, but windy, so I think an identity crisis perhaps
Funny you say broken record Barney - I was made to feel my age yesterday after telling my 10 year old off for nagging me, and saying the same thing to her. I got a blank look, and the inevitable "what's a record again"? Had to back track and say, a scratched CD then!! Anyway, off topic now
I use Nikon gear, a D7100 body and 80-400mm lens. I'm now inclined to think the Coot chick is exceptionally beautiful, compared to Darth Maul - he was one seriously scary looking dude, but the similarity is there for sure, LOL!
West Coast Tasmania