Long time since I've posted here guys, but on Sunday we went up to Shoal Bay and its surrounds for a couple of days and I got some first sightings in the birdlife! The new species I saw were the Australasian Gannet (which I heard someone call a gull), the yellow faced honeyeater (once again the size tricked me, they're alot smaller then they appear in the field guide) and my first Osprey. Naturally only having a compact camera, getting a good shot on the ocean or in the scrub is difficult, I managed to get these snaps of a darter on the way back in from a whale watching cruise.
Preparing for take off
Hey great to see you back Amateur and lovely shots of the most beautiful and huge bird . They fascinate me with their different tones as they ruffle their feathers. Are you happy to resize of do you need help? I can delete the others for you too if you want .just yell out!
Sunshine Coast Queensland
That would be greatly appreciated Birdie, bot the resize and delete please :)
Good to see you back. I'm looking forward to seeing the resized photos
Sorry for the delay Amateur..all done OK I hope. Nice shots ..well done with your compact camera !
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Good shots for a compact mate.....good to see you back here.