Hi, I was wondering if someone would be able to help wth an identification of a call I'm hearing most loudly before sun-up but also occasionally during the day in the little bush reserve near my house. At first I wasn't even sure it was a bird but I think it is. It's a rapid ascending scale of five notes. Pre sun-up I'm also hearing a single note call repeated ("two-two") or something like that. I'm not sure if it's connected with the other call but I hear it after. Any ideas would be much appreciated.
A recording would help. Would you be able to get one?
Aiming for DSLR-quality shots with a bridge camera
I have a pretty poor one on my iPhone using the video recorder. No visual just sound. I could try uploading it to YT and posting the link.
Yes please
Aiming for DSLR-quality shots with a bridge camera
Link up. The first sound I'm trying to identify is very faint. The second sound doesn't come in until late in the clip. I'm not even sure the first sound is a bird; going to be mortified if it turns out to just be the mother of all crickets.
I do have a louder clip if this one isn't good enough. It doesn't have the second call in it though.
Again, for the second call, I'd go with noisy miner. The first call I have never heard, but I too would be interested in finding out what it is. It sure is an interesting call :)
Aiming for DSLR-quality shots with a bridge camera
Thanks for that input. Noisy miner for the second would make sense. Tons around here :)
My guess for the ascending call would be a koel.