There are four of them and they are tiny. Their flying has improved, although the landing isn't always hitting the mark and hanging on doesn't always work. They seem to take everything seriously though. They have a very grown up look about them.
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Awwwww. Fluffy!
How old are your baby wrens now?
Awww, so cute!
It's a bit hard to look grown up when your tail's half it's adult size.
Last one seems to be practicing "Okay, I put my wing out, and... wait, no both wings..."
Hi Lachlan , not sure how long after the hatched, but I think the 4 parents fed for almost 2 weeks. They came out of the nest two days ago.
They are very lively and fly about fron shrub to shrub. I went outside just before dark today and didn't find them. Will go looking again tomorrow.
Could they fly immediately when they came out of the nest, or did it take them a couple of days to learn?
Yes they sure did Lachlan , it was just the landings they had difficulties with. Haven't even seen them this morning, I'm not looking for them either, I don't want them to seperate, that would make it much harder for the adults to feed them.
They almost look like cartoon characters, little gangsters of the Bird world. Just missing the cigar hanging out the Beak.
I’m with you on that one Dennis, they were certainly terrorising their parents. They will be glad they’ve moved out.
Amazing photos Araminta. They are very cute...and serious looking !
Yeah, it's that soft gape at the side of the beak that gives them that downturned, serious look...
Give them a few weeks and they'll look just as cheery as your standard adult wrens
How cute are they Great shots, M-L.
Shorty......Canon gear