Double-barred Finch.

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Reflex's picture
Double-barred Finch.

A difficult bird to photograph but they don't seem to be afraid of the car. These were all foraging amongst the (almost dead ) grass by the road. As soon as I opened the door and tried to get out without them noticing they were off!

Good looking birds!

timrp's picture

Great photos! I have tried to photograph them a few times but I can never get a good photo so great job.


Great photos ... very cute birds. 

Elsie's picture

Great captures! They really are very hard to get photos of.

Good jobsmiley

Annie W
Annie W's picture

Nothing like a big scary metal "thing" to break up that big scary people shape winklaugh, cars sure do make great hides if you get the chance like this.  Love the third beak full of tucker shot Reflex, such beautiful little finches I don't think I'd ever get tired of capturing these guys if they were over here.

West Coast Tasmania

Rick N
Rick N's picture

Great photos. What beautiful photogenic birds.

Rick N
Rick N's picture

Double post.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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