Eagleby Wetlands QLD

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cat.cornwall's picture
Eagleby Wetlands QLD

My son and I went to the Eagleby Wetlands tomorrow to do some birding these are some of our photos

I'll apologise in advance for the bad photography - Im doing the whole "point and shoot" thing at the moment

miccro's picture

nice spots, love the kingfisher



Nice work, great selection of shots, thanks for sharing.  Looks like a great location for variety of bird life.

Is that a forest kingfisher?

Love the spread wings on the sea eagle(?)

cat.cornwall's picture

Yes WhistlingDuck, I believe it is a forest Kingfisher - my boy is adament it is one too 

Started bird watching because my 5 year old loves birds. I now enjoy bird watching very much

Devster's picture

You did well with the point and shoot. Nice photos. Thanks for sharing.

Reflex's picture

Some great shots and especially with a point and shoot.surprise

Samford Valley Qld.

vas's picture

Looks like you did well with a P & S. Bet the lighting wasnt the greatest too. Thanks for sharing

cat.cornwall's picture

Very poor light. It was a very dull, dark and wet morning. Just as we were leaving it was starting to brighten up. We may head back next week if it is a nice day

Started bird watching because my 5 year old loves birds. I now enjoy bird watching very much

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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