Eagleby Wetlands QLD 2nd Visit

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cat.cornwall's picture
Eagleby Wetlands QLD 2nd Visit


Nice set of photos ... lot of variety there. Looks like a great spot for birding.

The ducklings are very cute. Very nice photo of the white necked heron. 

teganb02's picture

Really great photos, what dove is the second photo?

Tegan - Melbourne Vic.

cat.cornwall's picture

I believe it is a bar-shouldered dove :-) They usually hide from me but I finally managed to snap one.... all be it a terrible photo

Started bird watching because my 5 year old loves birds. I now enjoy bird watching very much

teganb02's picture

A terrible photo? You are too hard on your self! All your photos are really cute and well captured! Interesting looking dove though

Tegan - Melbourne Vic.

cat.cornwall's picture

Thank you. Im a little hit and miss with my camera. Im still trying to get the settings right for me. 

I got the fright of my life out there today (Snake near my 4 year old) Surprisingly I started taking better photos after the fright. 

My boy hit the number 93 today so he is getting excited that he is almost at the 100 mark. Only been birding for about 4 months 

Started bird watching because my 5 year old loves birds. I now enjoy bird watching very much

teganb02's picture

Wow that would have been scary! Does your little boy know how to identify all the birds he sees already??

Tegan - Melbourne Vic.

cat.cornwall's picture

He is pretty good actually. He studies his bird book and his granny's bird book. 

He knows what birds he wants to see in the future etc. 

We don't always know what we are looking at but we take a photo and note any behaviours that may help identify the bird.... then we come home and have a look in the book or on the internet. He loves it. He is a pretty amazing little boy 

Started bird watching because my 5 year old loves birds. I now enjoy bird watching very much

teganb02's picture

Sweet :) do you do the photography or is your son good enough to do it?

Tegan - Melbourne Vic.

cat.cornwall's picture

I do the photography. He is a little bit too flightly for the camera. He is still getting used to his binoculars. Won't be long though until he is nagging me to get behind the lense 

Started bird watching because my 5 year old loves birds. I now enjoy bird watching very much

teganb02's picture

Did you see any other birds but couldn't get a photo of them?

Tegan - Melbourne Vic.

cat.cornwall's picture

Plenty... Striated Pardalote, golden headed cisticola.... there was a honeyeater size brown bird that was flying around the long grass making at sort of buzzing sound which i couldnt snap a photo of, a number of ducks that didnt want to come too close, brahminy kite which was just a bit too far for my lense, red backed fairywrens etc 

I have other photos that I havent put up like the white-naped honeyeater, yellow faced honeyeater, whistling ducks, egrets, spoonbill etc. I just put up my favourites 

Started bird watching because my 5 year old loves birds. I now enjoy bird watching very much

teganb02's picture

You are so lucky! In 2013, when my family and I went to Queensland for a holiday there were so many Pied Butcherbirds, the most beautiful voice imaginable, but looking back I really wish I were into birds photography then :( I only really got into it last year.

Tegan - Melbourne Vic.

timrp's picture

Nice photos, looks like a good spot.

Devster's picture

Great set of photos and it's awesome how keen your son is. Do you think he will become a park ranger some day or a famous wildlife photographer? Yes the Butcherbirds in QLD are singing their little hearts out at the moment. I have a couple just ouside my office that seem to know when its morning tea. Don't worry about not starting sooner, I only started August last year and now have 200 different bird species and about 2 gazzillion photos.

teganb02's picture

Thanks devster :) have you got any photos of the Butcherbirds?

Tegan - Melbourne Vic.

Devster's picture

You know Tegan, I don't have any decent photos of Butcherbirds, the Grey or the Pied. I will have to get some decent photos.

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