Quick visit to O'Reillys out back of the Gold Coast yesterday. Highly recommend this place for birding. Took this Eastern Spinebill within two minutes of arriving. Also saw Eastern whipbirds, Russet-tailed thrush, Lewins Honeyeaters, Satin bowerbirds etc etc, but missed the Regents Bowerbird. Good excuse to return.
Get there really early (as the sun is coming up) and there are usually Regents near the main entrance for the restaurant.
Samford Valley Qld.
Thanks Reflex, Reckon I might need to camp there for a few days!
Very nice alcatraz - #2 is a great shot
Beautiful shots. If you camp there for a few days you should see the Alberts Lyrebird as well. Reflex is right about the Regents being their early.
Oh and take some raisins. Not that I encourage you to feed them but if some should fall onto the ground or onto a fence rail then one may find the regents and satins will come to investigate.