Feathers found

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JessMess's picture
Feathers found

Hi All,

I found some feathers down at the local footy oval this evening.
I am curious to know which bird they're from.

I live in the outer western suburbs of Sydney.

We've had a few Channel-Billed Cuckoo's about, but this might be a crazy guess..

Sorry the pictures aren't the best quality.


Beef's picture

I reckon they could be from a Wood Duck.

check the fact sheet out.

Cheers Beef.

Lachlan's picture

They look like Wood Duck Feathers to me too. Also, Wood Ducks do feed on Ovals when the grass is in seed as well. 

Were they all found together, or were the feathers scattered across the whole oval? 

JessMess's picture

Thanks Beef & Lachlan,

It definitely would be a Wood Duck! There is always duck poo on the oval.

And yes Lachlan they were found altogether, I have found some more since.

They're such beautiful soft feathers, I am going to make stuff with what I have found.

Thanks for your help :)


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