Female Eastern Spinebill

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RogerM's picture
Female Eastern Spinebill

I am fairly confident that this must be a Female Eastern Spinebill, however, descriptions I have read don't really seem to fit. This bird has a very brown, (not red) eye and instead of 'less distict' markings, barely has any at all. The male was photographed in the same place on another day.

Araminta's picture

Hi Roger, I have had that many Spinebills breeding in my garden, (and posted many of them), I'm sure this is a juvenile. In the first photo you can see the typical yellow on the beak.


Araminta's picture

if you don't mind, here is one of mine to show the beak. This one is a Baby


Araminta's picture

if you don't mind, here is one of mine to show the beak. This one is a Baby


birdie's picture

Love the second shot especially.... looks like Marie Louise is right  on the ID .

Sunshine Coast Queensland

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