Female Gilberts Whistler of Grey Shrike Thrush?
I thought from the calling on site FGW but on listening to a GST recording at home not so sure.
Lake Gilles Conservation Park yesterday.
Those are Grey Shrike Thrushes.
Yep GST for me too
Definately GST
Rick here's my female Gilbert's Whistler pic for comparison, I suggest that the indicators are short and stubby bill, smaller white throat patch, more rounded head and slimmer bird
Thanks all for your help.
Peter, The larger beak was what made me unsure in the first place. Thanks for the photo and info.
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Those are Grey Shrike Thrushes.
Yep GST for me too
Definately GST
Rick here's my female Gilbert's Whistler pic for comparison, I suggest that the indicators are short and stubby bill, smaller white throat patch, more rounded head and slimmer bird
Thanks all for your help.
Peter, The larger beak was what made me unsure in the first place. Thanks for the photo and info.