Female Satin Bowerbird

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clif2's picture
Female Satin Bowerbird

Was out camping and the grey butcherbirds were not giving anything else a chance to come near us so my partner left some bread out to try an placate them and out of nowhere came this Bowerbird and took a piece of bread from right under their stunned noses.I would definately preferred the Bowerbird to not have a piece of food in its mouth but that is how it went. I think it is a female but did read somewhere that the non-matured males can look similar as well, so maybe someone could clarify this for me.


Karen's picture

I know nothing about bower birds, so no help, sorry.  We don't see them around here at all.  This is a wonderful pic of the bird, and the story behind it makes it even more interesting.  Cheeky bird!

Brisbane southside.


You have taken a lovely shot here.

Going by our book (Michael Morcombe Field Guide) it says that Immatures at first are like an adult female, in the third year the juvenile males develop a  richer green throat, fourth year a solid green band across the breast and through fifth and sixth years dark blue or black feathers begin to appear with full blue-black adult plumage in the seventh year.

Araminta's picture

Shane ,this is a lovely photo, the only thing I don't like, is "the bread in his beak" , I plead with you, please don't feed bread to wild birds, it's not part of their natural diet and very harmful to them.


clif2's picture

Thanks Cath and Shane, Looks like she is the female because the first photo I ever took of one had the green on the chest as you described, I will see if I can find it so the comparison will be obvious. Thanks for the info.

Regards Shane



clif2's picture

Yes point taken Araminta and you are correct, I would rather see a bad photo of a bird in natural environs than a good photo where they have been lured unnaturally and this even though it was an organic heavy grain bread was not natural to it.

Regards Shane



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