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michael_1's picture

The figs are out! And so are the figbirds:

Figbird in a fig tree by M Hooper, on FlickrFemale figbird in a fig tree by M Hooper, on Flickr Nice to see them! I haven't noticed them before, and I walk by this tree several times a day...

Araminta's picture

I have never seen one before, thanks for showing them to me. Where did you see them? Do you also get the yellow ones?


michael_1's picture

This is the first I've seen them. Taken in Harbourne Rd, Kingsford, in Sydney. I haven't see any yellow birds...
I assume they have arrived because the figs are all in fruit. But it's interesting that they were there all day, and not in the other fig trees around. It's always brilliant to add a new species to my list. And with the black-cockatoos handing around, it's obviously a good time for birds that eat fruit!

pacman's picture

The Australasian 'Yellow' Figbird is restricted to the northern parts of NT & the far north of WA

Here is a pic from my March NT trip


cassie.c87's picture

Oh I love these pics! I saw a pair (each on a different day) and my pictures were well, just ID'able LOL

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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