Fledgling Yellow Rosellas

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aussiedavid's picture
Fledgling Yellow Rosellas

A bit of a fun video showing how two new rosellas kill time waiting for mum to return...yet still educational winkwink. ad


Annie W
Annie W's picture

Too cute, gotta love the young ones smiley.  You sure do get some gorgeous birds around your place David! yes

West Coast Tasmania

aussiedavid's picture

Thanks Ruby, These two visited the watering hole this afternoon and one had a bath...unfortunatley bid not manage to capture any of it on video or still, did not have a camera at hand, bugger!!!! Maybe next time?? Yes they are sooo cute. Wait till you see the honeyeater chick!! A cute ball a fluff!!

They just come, why...I don't know, but be we sure are blessed with some wonderful bird experiences. The chance to capture some of it I don't understand...just lucky I guess. ad

Annie W
Annie W's picture

Can't wait to see the Honeyeater chick!  I'd guess they feel very safe & welcome at your place too David.  I have this strange belief, that sometimes animals just "know", they sense it - like when a pet strangely decides not to welcome a visitor to your house & you later find your visitor is not that keen on animals.  Know what I mean?  Probably a weird belief, but there you go laugh.  Will await the ball of fluff!

West Coast Tasmania

aussiedavid's picture

Thanks Ruby, we are constantly amazed by the number of visitors we receive too.

Animals are far smarter than most people give them credit for...not a strange belief at all it's very true. ad 

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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