How many of you guys use a floating hide?
If you do have one I would love to see some photos.
For some reason I have the urge to build one to get closer to the action.
Especially with the Grebes looking like they are getting frisky.
I have managed to get an endless supply of Polystyrene foam at various thicknesses.
Does anyone have any plans or links to plans that may be of use?
I've seen some good camo netting, especially for camera use as it has velcro to put around your lens. Does anyone know where to get this?
Any tips would also be appreciated.
My suggestion is the following:
Get a sheet of plywood, buy or pick-up a thrown out piece about 1 meter square
Buy a car inner tube
You can use a jig saw to cut the plywood to fit onto the inflated tube (in a round shape) and use long cable ties to secure wood to tube
Use a throw over camo net or cloth to conceal yourself.
A bean bag under a long lens is sufficient support on top of the floating wood platform.
If you have a skimmer pod and wimberley head, they can sit comfortably on the plank too
Alan Murphy uses this method and it's awesome. I've been lazy and been wanting to build one for two years now and am yet to pull my finger out.
Hadn't thought of an inner tube thanks Canonguy.
Would you have to counterweight it so it doesn't tip. I would love to see a photo.
Am keen for more suggestions if anyone has them. Want to weigh up my options.
Hi, I buy all my camo on eBay and have boxes of it in different paterns , now have a pop up hide also eBay so I will see how that goes,I think the one you mean is called "quick camo"and have only ever seen it on line.
Out on Lake Fynes a few weeks ago there was a guy on one of those plastic canoes he was laying down and had his camera on what looked like a bean bag on a low platform and was moving around the shallows with a small electric motor ,I wanted to get a closer look but didn't want to swamp him then he moved off into an area where the water is very shallow and I lost sight of him , the lake was like glass it looked fairly stable ,but I wouldn't like to be him if the wind came up.
Could I suggest that plans are made to sensitively recover any polystyrene or other bits & pieces that might escape photo expeditions. It would be a shame to add to the slow destruction of the environment on which the bird life depends.
I hear you Woko. If I do end up using the styrophome, I will fibreglass it to make sure that none escape.
I too love my environment, even when I used to just go fishing I would normally clean up bait bags, fishing line, can etc from other animals (humans) that had a total disregard for the environment which they live in.
Yes some fishermen are most disrespectful of the environment they depend upon.
'on ya, Devster!
No counterweight needed mate. You're not sitting on it. You're floating it and use your weight etc over the top while you stand/kneel in waders. Throw a camo cloth or net cover over you and that should do.
I can see you got some good tips from the "gurus" (LMAO) on that bird forum in Australia.
Send me a pm please with your e-mail address. Thanks