Fly little girl, fly

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Araminta's picture
Fly little girl, fly

Yellow Robins are everywhere in my garden right now.

windshear's picture

Beautifully captured. :)

Wish they came to my yard. *bit jelly* Hehehe.

Thanks for sharing. :)

Annie W
Annie W's picture

What a beauty!  I'll second windshear's "jelly" smiley

West Coast Tasmania

Araminta's picture

Thanks , can someone please explain to me what "jelly" means? cryingas a non native English speaking girl, I have not heard this beforeblush


dwatsonbb's picture

Presume jealous! Agree with above beautiful

Dale Huonville, Tasmania

Araminta's picture

Thanks Dale, I was completely on the wrong track. That's so funny, I was thinking along the lines of "angelic"laugh, don't laughblush

You know, the wings.....and the angelic face of the bird..


Annie W
Annie W's picture

Dale is spot on M-L, it is indeed slang for jealous. smiley

West Coast Tasmania

Annie W
Annie W's picture

Bless you M-L, you just brought a smile to my dial (face wink).  Your beautiful shots are angelic (or from the angels), so you were pretty close really. smiley

West Coast Tasmania

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